
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Alcohol, Drug & DUI Testing Expert Witnesses Can Save Clients

Alcohol, Drug & DUI Testing expert witnesses can save clients in a DWI case and they would not have easy access to these expert witnesses without the criminal defense attorney. If the client chooses a public defender, they will not get the best possible defense. American writes on the…


Must Plaintiff Have Automotive Expert Witness in Lemon Law Cases?

Maryland’s highest court is deciding whether a consumer suing a car company under the federal lemon law needs an expert witness to testify about a defect in the car. Mary Crickenberger, represented by Kimmel & Silverman, says she had numerous electrical problems with her Hyundai in the three years after…


Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Expert Witness Opines on Faked Car Accident

Gary Dodds, a former New Hampshire congressional candidate, is accused of faking his disappearance after a car crash in April 2006 in a plot to attract attention to his campaign. Dodds claims he wandered away dazed from the car accident with a head injury, crossed a river and collapsed but…


Terrorism Expert Witnesses Will Testify Against Former Lobbyists

Former lobbyists for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman are charged with passing classified information. The government has hired three expert witnesses to show that the former lobbyists broke the law and exposed America to a national security threat. The first terroism expert witness is…


Audio Expert Witness Testifies Re: 1970 Black Panther Murder Case

Ed Poindexter, former head of Omaha’s Black Panther chapter, is appealing his conviction for the 1970 bombing murder of Omaha Policeman Larry Minard. The Neraska Supreme Court will examine two key points that emerged from testimony in May 2007 in Douglas County District Court. Michael Richardson of writes: Poindexter…


Seat Belts and Air Bags Expert Witness Testimony Crucial in GM Saturn Trial

Bill Muzzy’s testimony is crucial in the civil trial against TRW Vehicle Safety Systems, the company that manufactures seatbelts for General Motors. The seat belt and air bags expert witness was cross examined for five hours in the 146th District Court in Killeen Texas. Muzzy maintains that a design flaw…


Securities Expert Witnesses’ Testimony Contributes to Broker Misconduct Awards – Part 2

Jonathan Evans and his co-counsel, Michael Edmiston, won in back-to-back arbitration hearings before Los Angeles based Financial Industry Regulatory Authority arbitration panels. In both cases, the conduct of the brokers and their firms was so shocking that both arbitration panels awarded attorney’s fees and securities expert witness fees along with…


Legal Ethics Expert Witnesses Opine on Detroit Mayor Case

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and chief of staff Christine Beatty were both charged with perjury after they lied under oath about a possible affair between them from 2001 to 2003. M.L. Elrick and David Ashenfelter of write: The false testimony potentially exposes them to felony perjury charges, legal experts…


Securities Expert Witnesses’ Testimony Contributes to Broker Misconduct Awards

Jonathan Evans and his co-counsel, Michael Edmiston, won in back-to-back arbitration hearings before Los Angeles based Financial Industry Regulatory Authority arbitration panels. In both cases, the conduct of the brokers and their firms was so shocking that both arbitration panels awarded attorney’s fees and securities expert witness fees along with…

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