
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Was TiVo’s Patent Expert Witness Testimony Contradictory?

Dish Network asked a federal appeals court this past week to rehear the TiVo patent-infringement case, alleging that a TiVo expert witness gave contradictory testimony. In January, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit upheld the lower court’s ruling that Dish violated TiVo’s “Time Warp” software patent and…


Automotive Expert Witness Testifies For Drag Racer In Vehicular Homicide

Troy Critchley, a Queensland drag racer, has been charged with six counts of vehicular homicide in Tennessee. Six people were killed and 22 were injured when Critchley’s car ploughed into a crowd of spectators at a charity drag racing event. The racer was performing a “burnout routine” in June of…


Accidents & Safety Expert Witness On SUV Rollovers – Part 2

The number of deaths in rollover crashes has climbed with the popularity of SUVs and other light trucks whose relatively high centers of gravity increases the chance of rollovers. While some carmakers have denied any connection between roof strength and passenger safety, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety released a…


Accidents & Safety Expert Witness On SUV Rollovers – Part 1

Safety advocates have long argued that SUV roofs crush too easily in rollover crashes and cause avoidable deaths. About 10,000 deaths a year occur in rollovers. The numbers have climbed with the rise in popularity of SUVs and other light trucks, whose relatively high centers of gravity increased the chances…


Computer Expert Witness For the Defense Also Talked to FBI

The leading expert witness for National Century Financial Enterprises executives accused of the nation’s largest private fraud also had talked with the FBI about fraudulent business at the company. Computer expert witness Bryant testified about work he did analyzing National Century’s computer system. Crashes in nine of the company’s hard…


Nutrition Expert Witness Opines Before US Senate

James Ziliak, director of the University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research, testified Tuesday as a nutrition expert witness before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging in Washington, D.C. also reports Ziliak is expected: … to provide expert witness testimony on hunger among senior citizens in America. During…


Cardiology Expert Witness Opines in Ritter Wrongful Death Suit

Expert witness Dr. Douglas Zusman testified this week in the wrongful-death suit filed by John Ritter’s family. The cardiology expert witness said Ritter had a ‘lethal’ tear of the aorta. Zusman testified that Ritter was too far gone for the emergency surgery performed the night he died. Zusman has performed…

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