
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Insurance Expert Witnesses On Insurance Policies

Insurance expert witnesses may testify regarding insurance policies which describes here: Although insurance may cover many different risks, an insurance company may not indemnify an individual or business for committing an an intentional tort. Parties to insurance contracts are required to deal in good faith, according the legal doctrine…


Psychiatry Expert Witness On Memory Lapse Defense In Murder Trial

Psychiatry expert witness Dr. James Missett took the stand Wednesday in the final day of testimony in Marshall Doud’s murder trial. Doud, 43, is accused of smothering his wife, Morgana, on Sept. 4, 2007, but has testified that he has no recollection of killing her. The couple’s three teenage children…


Police Procedures Expert Witnesses & Use Of Force Case

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission acknowledges that numerous agency policies were violated during the June 28 inspection of the Rainbow Lounge, Fort Worth, TX, and that disciplinary actions are pending against the agents involved. “There were so many violations that one could readily assert that they had no business walking…


Copyrights Expert Witness & Latest RIAA Victory

A Boston federal jury on Friday ordered Joel Tenenbaum to pay a total of $675,000-$22,500 per song-to the major record labels for willfully infringing 30 songs by downloading and distributing them over the KaZaA peer-to-peer network. The trial was an almost entirely one-sided affair. Plaintiffs built their case with forensic…


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness Opines In Homicide Trial

An accident reconstruction expert witness and an engineering expert witness testified Thursday for the defense in Laurence Thompson’s homicide trial in Bucks County, PA. Thompson was drinking before he allegedly drove drunk and caused the death of his passenger, Mary Anne Locicero. But the defense expert witnesses say she could…


Forensic Psychology Expert Witness & The Insanity Defense

Robert Rigg, associate professor and director of the Criminal Defense Program at Drake University Law School in Des Moines, says that “Jurors don’t like the insanity defense.” In fact, only a few cases in the state have succeeded with an insanity or diminished-capacity defense, according to Rigg, who has worked…

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