
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness & Police Trooper Death

The failure to properly control traffic was a key factor in the death of Northern York County, PA, Regional Police Officer David Tome, an accident reconstruction expert witness testified Friday. Former Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Steven Rickard was the first witness called by the attorney representing Joanna L. Seibert, 39,…


Trucking Expert Witnesses & Motor Carrier Protection Act of 2010 Part 1

Trucking expert witnesses may opine on federal motor carrier safety regulations and the Department of Transportation (DOT), as well as other issues. Trucking experts at the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) recently issued a press release, coming out in support of the newly proposed Motor Carrier Protection Act of 2010.…


Entertainment Expert Witness Speaks Out on Obscenity Trial

Entertainment and media expert witness Constance Penley, whose testimony was disallowed by the Santa Barbara judge in the John Stagliano obscenity trial, spoke out on Thursday about porn, obscenity and Stagliano himself. Penley says with every technological advance, there’s a greater democratization of sexual explicit expression through film, video, photography…


Brain Injury Expert Witness Testifies In Baby-Sitter Case

Prosecutors rested their case Thursday against a Billings, MT, woman charged with aggravated assault after an expert in child abuse told the District Court jury that the 8-month-old victim’s injuries could not have happened from an accidental fall. Dr. Wilbur Smith, a nationally known expert in child abuse and child…


Forensic Psychiatry Expert Witness Testifies In Fatal Stabbing Case

Forensic psychiatry expert witness Dr. Montgomery Brower testified today that accused killer John Odgren gave varying accounts of the fatal Lincoln Sudbury High School stabbing to cope with what happened. Odgren, 19, is on trial for first-degree murder for the Jan. 19, 2007 stabbing death of classmate James Alenson, 15.…


Contracts Expert Witness & Oracular Milwaukee, Inc. Case

In 2003, Racine County requested bids for a consultant to upgrade its software and train its employees in using it. Oracular Milwaukee, Inc. was awarded the contract. But the project didn’t go as planned, and Racine sued Oracular for breach of contract and statutory misrepresentation. In a case decided April…


Copyright Expert Witness & Newsbin Case

Newzbin, the Internet’s premier Usenet indexer, has lost its High Court case against several Hollywood movie studios. Justice Kitchin found the company, which turned over more than £1 million in 2009, liable for copyright infringement and will issue an injunction restricting its activities later this week. The London High Court…


Computers Expert Witness Testifies In Microsoft Patent Case

In a $242 million lawsuit VirnetX alleges Microsoft’s Office Communicator and other products infringed upon its patents on technology for automatic and secure virtual private networks, or VPNs. On March 17th, Microsoft attorney Matthew Powers, of Weil Gotshal & Manges, cross-examined computers expert witness Mark T. Jones, an electrical and…

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