
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Medical Expert Witness On Stem Cell Therapy Case

Florida state health regulators have imposed an emergency license restriction on Dr. Zannos Grekos for using experimental stem cell therapy on a breast cancer patient in his Bonita Springs practice last year, resulting in the woman’s death, according to the state’s order. “The use of unorthodox stem cell transfusions for…


Social Media Expert Witness & Courtney Love Defamation Lawsuit

Jessie Stricchiola, a San Francisco based social media expert witness, has been hired in the upcoming defamation lawsuit trial between Courtney Love and fashion designer Dawn Simorangkir. The expert will testify on behalf of plaintiff Simorangkir and was tasked with studying how many people saw Love’s allegedly abusive torrent of…


Telecommunications Expert Witness On Fiber Optic Case

In David and Goliath: Silverton and Qwest Battle Over Fiber Optic Line reports: “Qwest was paid to build an information superhighway to Silverton, and they barely widened the existing mule trail.” So said San Juan County Administrator Willie Tookey on June 30 of this year, when Silverton and San…


Medical Malpractice Expert Witness On Dental Surgery Case

Was an oral surgeon at fault for the massive stroke his patient suffered after an 8-tooth extraction under local anesthesia at Philadelphia Veterans’ Administration Medical Center in September 2007? A federal court will take up that question now that a judge has dismissed the U.S. government’s motions to exclude the…


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness Disputes Police Findings

A jury may decide who caused a serious injury crash on Deerfield Road last year after an accident reconstruction expert witness claimed a Lenawee County, MI, Sheriff’s Department investigation got it backwards. A lawsuit over the crash that left 82-year-old Elmer Johnson near death was moved toward trial this week…


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness on International Law

The Cayman Islands operates under British law and the rules governing expert witnesses varies greatly from the United States. Accident reconstruction expert witness Jeffrey D. Armstrong, P.E. recently testified as an expert in two trials in the Cayman Islands. Mr. Armstrong reports that expert witnesses for both sides of the…


Water Utility Expert Witness To Opine in Arizona Water Case

Paradise Valley will hire an engineering expert witness and a water utility expert witness with expertise in water rates as the town prepares to intervene in Arizona American Water Co.’s next rate case before the Arizona Corporation Commission. Arizona American serves nearly 5,000 customers in Paradise Valley and Scottsdale through…


Groundwater Expert Witnesses Opine In Illinois Brain Cancer Trial

Two groundwater expert witnesses in the first McCullom Lake, IL, brain cancer trial will laid out for the jury last week how they allege industrial pollution reached and sickened village residents. Plaintiffs’attorney Aaron Freiwald called groundwater expert Charles Andrews to explain his theory that groundwater contaminated with vinyl chloride traveled…

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