
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Medical Expert Witness & Plancher $10M Award

In the wrongful death suit involving University Central Florida football player Ereck Plancher, the jury has awarded the family $10 million in damages. The jury found the UCF Athletic Association negligent in Plancher’s death. Plancher collapsed and died following off season conditioning drills at the UCF football complex on March…


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness Testifies In Death Of Kentucky Officer

Accident reconstruction expert witness Sgt. Billy Richmond testified in the murder trial of Glenn Doneghy, 34, accused of hitting and killing officer Bryan J. Durman April 29, 2010. Richmond, supervisor of the collision reconstruction unit that investigates serious-injury and fatal crashes, explained why a re-enactment of the crash was performed…


Psychiatry Expert Witness Testifies In New Jersey Officer’s Trial

Psychiatry expert witness Dr. Gerard Figurelli testified Monday in the defense case of Police Officer Joseph Rios III. Figurelli testified that medical records indicate alleged beating victim Ronnie Holloway suffered from a host of schizophrenic symptoms through the years that included violence while prosecutors argue that Ronnie Hollaway was the…


Pharmacology Expert Witnesses & AndroGel Litigation

U.S. District Judge Thomas Thrash, (ND Georgia) refused to disqualify several experts and attorneys in an antitrust litigation stemming from a patent dispute over AndroGel, a medication used to increase testosterone production. The plaintiffs, direct purchasers or the medication, wish to retain Dr. Bozena Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Howard Maibach as…


Psychology Expert Witness Testifies In NC Case

Psychology expert witness James H. Hilkey for accused murderer Shelton Mills told jurors that the shooting deaths of Cylvonnia Preddy Crowder and Robert Bizzell Jr. Aug. 26, 2007″ is not a ‘who-dunnit,’ crime, but a ‘why-dunnit’ crime.” In Pitt County Superior Court, North Carolina, the psychologist described Mills’ personality as…


Finance Expert Witness Testifies In Tribune Bankruptcy Case

Courthouse News Service reports that Tribune Co.’s plan to exit bankruptcy may violate FCC rules because some of the creditors backing its plan have holdings in other media companies, an expert witness testified in Bankruptcy Court. Finance expert witness Mark Prak testified on Thursday that Tribune creditors JPMorgan & Chase,…

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