
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Transportation Expert Witnesses On Red Light Cameras

Transportation engineering expert witnesses testified this week on a bill to legalize red light enforcement cameras in Connecticut. Dr. John Large, professor at the University of South Florida, is an expert in industrial engineering and testified for the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut regarding the bill that would place…


Law Enforcement Expert Witnesses Testify In Virginia Tech Lawsuit

Law enforcement expert witnesses testified this week in the wrongful death civil trial against Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech was found guilty of negligence for waiting to warn students about a gunman during a 2007 mass shooting that resulted in 33 deaths. Parents of two students charged that that the campus…


Rheumatology Expert Witness Testifies In Indecent Assualt Case

Rheumatology expert witness Dr. Chester Oddis testified this week in the case against Dr. Thomas Tyma. The expert specializes in internal medicine and rheumatology in Pittsburgh, PA. Tyma is accused of indecent assault by 17 female patients who say he touched them inappropriately during exams for arthritis at Allegheny North…


Chemicals Expert Witness Testifies In Dialysis Patient Deaths

Chemicals expert witness John Crowe testified in the case against Kimberly Clark Saenz, accused of injecting bleach into the bloodstream of kidney dialysis patients. Crowe, an FDA chemist, analyzed syringes from the DaVita Lufkin Dialysis Center. Daenz is charged with capital murder and five counts of aggravated assault in Angelina…


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness On Bus Fatalities

Accident reconstruction expert witness Jonathan Anna testified in the case against megabus driver John Tomaszewski in Onondaga County Court NY. The expert testfied that two victims were killed when they struck the bridge directly and the other two were crushed in the wreckage. The defenandt is charged with four counts…


Insurance Coverage Expert Witness Testified In Case Of Drowning Death

An insurance coverage expert witness testified in the Birmingham, AL, trial of Gabe Watson, charged with murder in the drowning death of his wife. Tina Thomas Watson died during their Australian honeymoon in 2003. The expert testified that Mrs. Watson could not increase her life insurance before her marriage which…

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