
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Forensic Psychology Expert Witness Testifies For Jodi Arias

Jodi Arias’ defense expert witness Richard M. Samuels has testified that Arias suffers from post traumatic stress disorder and dissociative amnesia. Arias is on trial for the murder of her boyfriend Travis Alexander in 2008. Dr. Samuels, Ph.D., FACCS, ABPP, is a practicing clinical and forensic psychologist in Scottsdale, AZ.…


Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness Testifies In Fatal Boating Accident Case

According to the Grand Lake News, accident reconstruction expert witness Stan Andrews testified in the criminal case against Roger Shane Carroll. Mr. Andrews testified for the state of Oklahoma that Carroll was the driver in a boating accident that killed 39 year old Monte Price. Excessive speed and alcohol use…


Engineering Expert Witness On Deepwater Safety Tests

Engineering expert witness Richard Heenan testified last week before U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier that British Petroleum and Transocean Ltd. officials mishandles safety tests on the Deepwater Horizon. Pressure tests were misread before the rig exploded and killed eleven people. Heenan is with Canadian Engineering Petroleum, Inc., and has supervised…


Geology Expert Witness Testfies Re: Deepwater Horizon Location

Geology expert witness Andrew Hurst testified that British Petroleum drilled the Deepwater Horizon well in an area weakened by a 2006 earthquake. The expert described the ocean floor as likely weakened by the earthquake and says there is evidence BP knew about the earthquake at the start of drilling. Professor…


Occupational Medicine Expert Witness Testified In Hip Implant Lawsuit

An occupational medicine expert witness has testified in the Los Angeles County Superior Court hip implant case against the DePuy Companies. DePuy provides orthopedics, spinal care, and sports medicine and is part of Johnson & Johnson. The expert described how the device failed due to the metal debris which sloughed…


Forensic Psychology Expert Witness Testifies In Duncan Hearing

Forensic psychology expert witness Dr. Robert C. Engle testified Wednesday in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boise on the competency of convicted murderer Joseph Duncan. The hearing will determine whether Duncan was competent when he waived his right to appeal his death sentence in 2008. Duncan was sentenced…


Tobacco Expert Witness & $27B Lawsuit

Quebec Justice Brian Riordan agreed to hear the testimony of Stanford University’s Robert Proctor in the class action case against Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd., Rothmans, Benson & Hedges, and JTI-Macdonald. The tobacco expert witness published Tobacco and the Global Lung Cancer Epidemic in 2001 and has previously testified in 30…


Chemistry Expert Testifies In UCLA Burn Accident

Chemistry expert witness Neal Langerman testified in a hearing regarding the death of a young chemist burned in a UCLA laboratory. Chemistry professor Patrick Harran may be tried for not properly training the 23 year old Sheharbano Sangji. Langerman described how the chemical she was working with becomes highly flammable…


Criminology Expert Witness On Nursing Home Rx Fraud

Brooke Sissom of Shelbyville, TN, has been accused of using Manchester Health Care Center patient’s drug prescriptions for herself. While employed at the nursing home, Sissom allegedly ordered strong pain medication fraudulently by using patient names and prescriptions. Criminology expert witness Stuart Colwell testified that Sissom may have sold pills…

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