
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Design Engineering Expert Witness Testimony Allowed

Plaintiff filed suit against the defendants related to an insurance claim after a hurricane.  The plaintiff hired a Design Engineering Expert Witness.  The defendant filed a motion to exclude this expert from testifying.  The court denied the motion to exclude. Facts:  This case (Kennedy v. Electric Insurance Company – United…


Urology Expert Witness Testimony Allowed in Medical Malpractice Case

Summary: The court ruled that a Urology Expert Witness will be able to testify in a medical malpractice case. Facts: In this case (Robert Teel v. United States of America – United States District Court – Northern District of Oklahoma – January 7th, 2020) involves a medical malpractice claim brought…


Colorectal Expert Witness Testimony Ruled Not Cumulative

Summary: The Missouri Supreme Court of Missouri rejected a claim that the testimony of four expert witnesses, including a Colorectal Expert Witness, was cumulative. Facts: In Shallow v. Followell (2018), Supreme Court of Missouri en banc, No SC96901, the Missouri Supreme Court was asked to decide whether the lower court…


Chiropractic Expert Witness Cannot Opine Regarding Non-Chiropractic Care

Summary: The court found that a Chiropractic Expert Witness may not testify regarding non-chiropractic treatment. Facts:  In GUADALUPE MORENO, Appellant V. C’TARA INGRAM, Appellee on Appeal from the 192nd Judicial District Court Dallas County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. 12-2144, the plaintiff brought suit against the defendant for injuries and…


Child Custody Expert Witness Contact Ruled Inappropriate

Summary: Ex Parte communication with a court appointed Child Custody Expert Witness ruled inappropriate. Background: In the Matter of Kenneth C. v. Delonda R., 2006 NY Slip Op 50026(U) [10 Misc 3d 1070(A)], the court address the question of whether a parties communication with a court-appointed Child Custody Expert Witness…


Human Resource Expert Witness Not Qualified to Testify in Discrimination Case

Summary: A Human Resources Expert Witness was not qualified to testify in a race discrimination case because he lacked expertise beyond that of a layperson. Facts: In MIFAB Inc., v. Illinois Human Rights Commission and Clint Towers, First District Appellate Court of Illinois, (2020 IL App (1st) 181098, there was…


Psychology Expert Witness Testifies Defendant Was Not Able to Understand Miranda Rights

Summary: A Psychology Expert Witness testified that because of defendant’s low IQ, he was not able to understand his Miranda Rights. Facts: In State v. Bobby Willson 20020 IL App (1st) 162430 No. 1-16-2430 Filed March 26, 2020 Fourth Division, 16 year old Bobby Wilson was found guilty of first…


Wound Care Expert Witness Required to Support Plaintiff’s Claims

Summary: Plaintiff’s failure to name a Wound Care Expert Witness to support his claims lead to the court granting defendants’ motion for summary judgment. Facts: In Jenkins v. Karl HC LLC dba Villa Angela Care Center, 2020-Ohio-1137 (March 26, 2020), Plaintiff William sued the Villa Angela Care Center skilled nursing…


Forensic Engineering Expert Witness Testimony Allowed.

Plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the defendant related to a slip and fall accident.  The plaintiff hired a Forensic Engineering Expert Witness to provide testimony.  Defendant filed a motion to exclude this expert from testifying.  The court denied the motion to exclude. Facts:  This case (SLAPPY-SUTTON et al v. SPEEDWAY…

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