
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Is Daubert Unfairly Stifling Expert Witnesses?

Prior to Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, the courts allowed scientists to play gatekeeper by deciding what was good science–permissible in the courtroom–and what wasn’t. However, in 1993, the Supreme Court ruled in Daubert that judges and not scientists should not be the ultimate arbiters of the quality of science.…


Handwriting Expert Testifies Regarding “Disguised Writing”

The New York Press Republican reported that expert witness testimony was allowed from a handwriting expert regarding disguised writing samples: A prosecution expert witness testified Thursday that accused murderer Edward Dashnaw tried to disguise his handwriting in samples given to police. Dashnaw is charged with the December 2005 stabbing deaths…


Court Allows Immigration Expert Witnesses to Testify After Deadline

The Northeastern Pennsylvania Times Leader reported that a federal court will allow an immigration expert witness to testify in case involving the Hazelton Pennsylvania Illegal Immigration Relief Act. As stated in the news report: The trial, which begins on Monday, will determine the constitutionality of the city’s Illegal Immigration Relief…

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