
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Write an Article to Improve Your Expert Witness Marketing – Part 9

Patience in Educational Marketing Like all marketing, writing an expert witness article is not an instant gratifier. Although it has happened, do not expect your phone to immediately start ringing once your article appears. Writing an article does trigger the law of reciprocity. If you give the attorney something of…


Expert Witness Testifies Toddler was Struck with ‘substantial’ force, expert testifies

Dr. Andreas A. Theodorou, a pediatric expert witness, testified that the 2005 death of a 16-month-old child likely stemmed from a deliberate violent injury. Emily Mays died in Aug. 24, 2005, while in foster care. Her injuries included a subdural hematoma, or bleeding on the brain. The foster parents told…


Prosecutors Ask for Spector’s Expert Witness Fees to be Disclosed

Prosecutors in the Phil Spector murder case filed a motion requesting the defense team be ordered to disclose the fees that Spector’s 13 expert witnesses are being paid before they take the stand in the music producer’s trial. In papers filed with the court, prosecutors claimed they had previously asked…


Is it Possible for an Expert Not to be Biased?

Many argue that the Daubert reliability test is important because expert witness testimony is uniquely vulnerable to bias. Those in this camp argue expert witnesses differ from lay witnesses, because experts are retained to advance the cause of one party in an adversarial proceeding. Courts have consistently reiterated than expert…


What Happens When Expert Witnesses Visit Prisoners?

Viewing jail visitor lists is a common practice among prosecuting attorneys. But what happens when defense counsel asks an expert witness to visit a prisoner? Should that information be privileged? Courts have disagreed. In California, one court denied the public defenders’ request to keep prosecutors from knowing which defense experts…

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