
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Expert Henry Lee May Have Removed Evidence in Spector Case

The judge in Phil Spector’s murder trial ruled that forensic scientist expert witness Henry Lee removed something from the scene where actress Lana Clarkson was shot and withheld it from the prosecution. Lee has previously testified in the high profile cases of O.J. Simpson, William Kennedy Smith, Kobe Bryant, JonBenet…


Expert Witness Prohibited From Using Shaken Baby Syndrome Designation

Judge Elizabeth Thomakos will allow no child abuse expert witness to use the term Shaken Baby Syndrome in the Marsha Mills murder trial, beginning next week in New Philadelphia. According to the Thomakos explained the expert witnesses presented by the prosecution will not be permitted to give an opinion…


Expert Witness Testimony Subject to Frye-Reed hearing

The Maryland Supreme Court agreed with the Court of Appeals unanimous decision that a Frye-Reed hearing is necessary to determine the validity of expert witness testimony in the case of Josephine Chesson, et al. v. Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company. The plaintiffs, employees of Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist…


Expert Witness Testifies in Voting-rights Trial

Lisa Handley, political scientist statistics expert witness for the federal government, testified in the 2007 Port Chester mayoral election voting-rights trial. Handley said: She is very confident that the village election system dilutes the Hispanic vote and testified that there is an overall pattern of racially polarized voting in the…


Fall Out Continues for Expert’s Perjured Testimony

The perjured testimony from Joseph Kopera, Maryland’s police ballistics expert witness who killed himself this month after being confronted with evidence that he had falsified his credentials continues to affect the cases in which he testified. Maryland prosecutors and defense attorneys have said that revelations about Kopera’s falsified credentials could…


Fingerprint Expert Witness Testifies Re: Terrorism Suspect

Former FBI fingerprint expert witness testified that terrorism suspect Jose Padilla’s fingerprints match at least seven of 45 latent prints found on an alleged application for Al Qaeda holy war training. Padilla and his two codefendants are charged with conspiracy to kill, kidnap or maim people abroad and with providing…


Expert Witness Scientific Evidence on Mesothelioma Ruled Admissable

On January 30, 2007, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that plaintiffs’ epidemiology expert witness Dr. Richard Allen Lemen presented scientifically reliable, and therefore legally admissible, evidence drawing a causal connection between mesothelioma and inhalation of brake-lining dust. Chapin v. A&L Parts, et al., 2007 Mich. App. LEXIS 156. The…


P2P Technology Expert Witness Hired in UMG v. Lindor

Marie Lindor has retained a well known expert witness in her Brooklyn federal court case, UMG v. Lindor. RIAA alleges copyright infringement due to shared files on Lindor’s home computer. Professor Johan Pouwelse, P2P technology expert, will testify regarding file sharing networks. Prof. Johan Pouwelse, Chairman of the Parallel and…


Expert Witnesses Warn Senators of Future High Gas Prices

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee heard expert witness testimony in an attempt to find causes behind record-high gasoline prices. Oil and gas expert witnesses described years of a lack of investment in refinery capacity as a primary factor in rising prices. Deutsche Bank’s Paul Sankey, oil and gas…

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