
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Computer Voting Expert Witness Testifies in Riverside CA Electonic Voting Hearings

Finnish computer voting expert witness Harri Hursti recommended in March that the Riverside, CA, Elections Review Committee drop their electronic voting machines. On July 17, 2007, the Riverside County “Blue Ribbon” Elections Review Committee will present the Board of Supervisors with the same recommentation. Riverside County is the first in…


Higher Court Allows Expert Witness Testimony Against W.R. Grace & Co

The 9th Circuit Appellate Court in Seattle has overturned a Missoula judge’s decision to ban dozens of expert witnesses and nonexperts from testifying in the criminal case against W.R. Grace & Co. Grace is charged with concealing the dangers of asbestos-contaminated vermiculite mined near Libby. The three appellate judges ruled…


Mine Shaft Deaths Lead to Warnings From Expert Witness

Marshal Denhoff, a confined-space expert witness, testified this week that the small water-sampling shed where four people suffocated and tumbled into a mine shaft should have been clearly marked as a confined space. Denhoff said the shed at the Sullivan Mine in southeastern B.C. requires a sign under WorkSafeBC regulations.…


Electricity Expert Witnesses Testify Re: $1.3 Billion Power Line

San Diego Gas & Electric Co. has proposed a $1.3 billion, 150-mile superhighway of electricity known as Sunrise Powerlink. A month of hearings on the controversial power line began Monday with only expert witnesses taking the stand. The proceedings will study whether there are more affordable alternatives and the California…


Judges Rule that Attorney Did Not Call Upon Sufficient Expert Witnesses

The Missouri Supreme Court ruled Friday that death row inmate Travis Glass deserves a new sentencing hearing because his defense attorney did not call enough expert witnesses. The lower court judge also said Glass’ attorney should have called upon a neuropsychologist, a learning disability expert witness, and a toxicologist. A…


Terrorism Expert Witness Testifies in Padilla Case

In the federal government’s case against terrorism suspect Jose Padilla, Dr. Rohan Gunaratna is the leading expert witness. Author of Inside al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror, Gunaratna will explain Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network to jurors. Terrorism expert witness Gunaratna has described how Padilla formed a cell in…

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