
Articles Posted in Expert Witness Testimony


Police Chief Called As Expert Witness

Bozeman Police Chief Mark Tymrak was called as an expert witness Monday in a trial to determine whether the department’s leaders retaliated against Officer Steve Feuerstein when he complained about mishandled drugs. Feuerstein’s lawsuit also claims the city violated state employment laws by failing to properly supervise him and provide…


Urban Planning Expert Witness Hired to Support City Annexation

Tupelo City Council members have hired an expert witness to support their efforts in annexing 16 square miles Lee County, Mississippi. Michael Slaughter of Slaughter & Associates in Oxford will testify supporting the city’s annexation plan. Urban planning expert witness Slaughter has worked on prior annexations with Tupelo. Slaughter told…


Accounting Expert Witness Testifies for Brocade Communications Exec

U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer in San Francisco chose not to rule Thursday on whether to dismiss criminal charges against the former chief executive of Brocade Communications Systems Inc. Gregory Reyes is on trial for allegedly tampering with stock options and faces 10 felony security charges. Reyes’ defense relied upon…


Post Traumatic Stress Expert Witness Defends Marine

Post traumatic disorder expert witness Maria Mouratidis testified yesterday at Camp Pendleton that brain damage and mental illness may have impaired the judgment of Marine Cpl. Trent Thomas. Thomas is charged with assisting in the kidnapping and execution of a man in Hamdaniya, Iraq, on April 26, 2006. Expert witness…


$43 Million Award Based on Utilities Expert Witness Testimony

St. Louis-based utility company Ameren, the Missouri State Public Counsel, and the Missouri State Attorney General have asked for an appeal of the $43 million annual rate increase awarded to Ameren in May. Utility regulators relied on the testimony of an electrical power and utilities expert witness in calculating the…


Is Transportation Offical an Impartial Expert Witness in Overpass Collapse?

Guy Richard, director of structures for the Quebec Transport Department, denies his department was responsible for the collapse of an overpass that killed five people last September. Richard’s testimony contradicts every independent expert witness who has appeared before the commission to date and raises questions regarding his impartiality. Although Richard…

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