
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Plaintiff Magazine to have an Expert Witness Issue

A new magazine called “Plaintiff magazine” will debut this summer. Published by the same company that issues “The Advocate” magazine, the target market will be plaintiff attorneys in Northern California. The magazine has announced that its March 2008 issue will focus on expert witnesses. As stated by the publishers of…


Illinois Considering Mandatory Pretrial Hearings for Expert Witnesses

The Illinois House committee is considering Bill HB1896, which would require pretrial hearing on the merits of any expert witness in a civil trial. Though the bill would apply to all civil litigation, the debate in the Illinois House committee will focus on medical experts in malpractice trials. As stated…


Should There Be a Code of Ethics for Expert Witnesses?

West Virginia’s “Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse” plans to ask the legislature to create a “code of ethics” to prevent “misleading expert witness testimony.” As reported in the West Virginia Register-Herald, a survey about expert witnesses was conducted by the the Center for Survey Research at the University of Virginia: In…


What Will Become of the ALM Expert Witness Directory?

American Lawyer Media (ALM), which runs the ALM Expert Witness Directory, is reportedly for sale. According to the Business Wire: Wasserstein & Co., LP [ALM’s owner] announced that it has retained Credit Suisse as its exclusive financial advisor to assist it in exploring various strategic alternatives for its investment in…

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