
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Distribution & Dealers Expert Witness Shares Top Ten Mistakes To Avoid With Distributor Agreements – Part 4

In Avoiding the Top 10 Mistakes with Distributor Agreements, Glen Balzer, management and forensic consultant and expert witness in domestic and international marketing and sales, shares a checklist of ten common mistakes to avoid when drafting your next distributor agreement. Mistake #4 is entitled Exclusive or Nonexclusive. Distributor franchises may…


Distribution & Dealers Expert Witness Shares Top Ten Mistakes To Avoid With Distributor Agreements – Part 3

In Avoiding the Top 10 Mistakes with Distributor Agreements, Glen Balzer, management and forensic consultant and expert witness in domestic and international marketing and sales, shares a checklist of ten common mistakes to avoid when drafting your next distributor agreement. Mistake #3 is entitled Annual Termination and Semiautomatic Renewal. Parties…


Quantanamo Accused Are Guaranteed Terrorism Expert Witnesses Under Military Law

The Defense Department announced Monday that charges have been sworn against six detainees at Guantanamo, alleged to be responsible for the planning and execution of the attacks upon the United States of America which occurred on Sept. 11, 2001. Those attacks resulted in the death of nearly 3,000 people. The…


Statistics Expert Witness Aids Human Rights Prosecution

Patrick Ball was the first expert witness called in the case against the former Serbian president, who was representing himself against mass atrocity charges at the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia. The statistics expert witness spent 10 months crunching numbers about migration patterns in Kosovo. Ball’s findings suggested that hundreds…


Software Expert Witnesses to Testify in Oracle Case

Oracle says it may file an amended complaint alleging what its attorneys are calling “a broader program of copyright infringement” by SAP (Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing) beyond the allegations it has already made against SAPs subsidiary TomorrowNow. Oracle discovered some TomorrowNow employees were downloading Oracle customer files…


Distribution & Dealers Expert Witness Shares Top Ten Mistakes To Avoid With Distributor Agreements #2

In Avoiding the Top 10 Mistakes with Distributor Agreements, Glen Balzer, management and forensic consultant and expert witness in domestic and international marketing and sales, shares a checklist of ten common mistakes to avoid when drafting your next distributor agreement. Mistake #2 is entitled Termination for Cause Only. Most distributor…


Boxer Claims Nevada Athletic Commission Tampered With Sports Medicine Expert

31-year-old boxer Joey Gilbert was temporarily suspended in October when the Nevada Athletic Commission announced his positive drug tests. Now Gilbert has filed a motion with the commission to remove its executive director, Keith Kizer, from all further involvement in his case. The commission says Gilbert tested positive for a…


Distribution & Dealers Expert Witness Shares Top Ten Mistakes To Avoid With Distributor Agreements

In Avoiding the Top 10 Mistakes with Distributor Agreements, Glen Balzer, management and forensic consultant and expert witness in domestic and international marketing and sales, shares a checklist of ten common mistakes to avoid when drafting your next distributor agreement. Mistake #1 is entitled Too Much Too Fast. Every new…


Sheriff Will Cover Law Enforcement Expert Witness Fees in His Pro Bono Corruption Case

Former Orange County Sheriff Michael S. Carona, charged with selling access to his office for cash, favors and gifts, has retained Jones Day on a pro bono basis. An allegedly corrupt sheriff who is making about $200,000 a year in retirement makes for an unusual pro bono client but colleagues…


Hospital Sues Their Attorney For Not Using Any Medical Billing Expert Witness

St. Luke’s Magic Valley Regional Medical Center has sued a Washington attorney who represented the hospital between 2003 and 2006 saying that Tom Luciani did not adequately defend against claims of Medicare fraud and other record-keeping practices. When the hospital discovered Luciani had no plan to produce a medical billing…

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