
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Handwriting Expert Witness On Suspicious Documents

In Checklist of Suspicious Features, Jacqueline A. Joseph, Certified Document Examiner and handwriting expert witness writes: If you have a suspicious document or handwriting or typewriting, these clues should alert you to the need for a document examiner: No one knows the document’s origin or the history of its custody.…


Construction Expert Witness on Common Construction Defects – Part 2

In Common Construction Defects, expert witness Pete Fowler describes how substandard construction during Southern California’s 1980s building boom has created a construction defect litigation “industry.” He writes: Attorneys, acting as advocates for homeowners, hire these experts in the effort to prove that shoddy workmanship is causing new homes to rapidly…


Construction Expert Witness on Common Construction Defects

In Common Construction Defects, expert witness Pete Fowler describes how substandard construction during Southern California’s 1980s building boom has created a construction defect litigation “industry.” As a construction expert witness, Fowler commonly sees problems with diaphragms and shear walls. He writes: Failure to follow the nailing requirements for shear walls…


Aviation Expert Witness’s Aviation Accident Analysis Text ™

Aviation expert witness Captain “J” Joseph is a full time airline pilot and Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. When hiring an aviation expert witness, Joseph recommends working with one who will pull together FAA and NTSB factual reports, interviews conducted with personnel (including witnesses and flight crews),…


Computers Expert Witness on Computer Forensic Analysis – Part 2

Computers expert witness Scott Greene of Great Scott Enterprises, Inc., writes that it is important to understand that computer forensics is not just “looking around in a computer.” There are very specific protocols for recovering, preserving and analyzing the data as evidence. Certain data may need to be recovered due…

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