
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


When Do You Need An Antiques Expert Witness? Part 1

Antiques, art, and collectibles appraisal expert witness Lisa M. Barnes is co-owner of Thomas Charles Editions, LLC. She describes the professional appraisal process: An appraiser uses a variety of tools: reference works, online electronic databases, and historical documents; and may consult with additional specialists in the field. Based on the…


The Client & Your Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness

There are several advantages to having your expert witness talk to the client directly. If your expert’s opinions will be based on the client’s observations and thoughts, the expert should meet and talk with that individual. For example, when the recollection of the plaintiff is crucial to the accident reconstruction…


The Neurology Expert Witness Needs All Medical Records

After having researched and hired your expert witness, expect to give them the original or copy of every significant writing on which their opinion will be based. For example, in a neurology medical malpractice case, the neurology expert witness should be provided with complete copies of all the plaintiff’s medical…


Metallurgy Expert Witness On Metal Failure

Metallurgy expert witness Dr. R. Craig Jerner, Ph.D., PE, describes the metal failure analysis process: The title, Metallurgical Failure Analysis, aptly describes the process, i.e., the analysis of a metal failure. In deference to my mechanical engineering friends, a metallurgist or metallurgical engineer is best equipped to analyze a metal…


Accident Investigation Expert Witness On Metallurgical Failure Analysis

Accident investigation expert witness Dr. R. Craig Jerner, Ph.D., PE, also specializes in metal failure analysis which he defines here: Metallurgical Failure Analysis is a scientific process in which a cracked or fractured piece or weld is analyzed to determine the cause of failure. The metallurgical failure analysis process involves…


Residential Real Estate Expert Witness On Mold – Part 2

Residential real estate expert witness Steve Cohen writes this on mold: Most types of mold that are routinely encountered are not hazardous to healthy individuals. However, studies have shown that too much exposure to mold may cause or worsen conditions such as asthma, hay fever, or other allergies. Common symptoms…


Photography Expert Witnesses Can Opine On Distorted Pictures In Court

The most common use of photographs in court are those that depict physical injuries, damage to automobiles, and the appearance of complex products and objects. While we are told that “the camera doe not lie,” it is also true that photographs can present distorted images, so be watchful for photographic…

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