
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Forensic Engineering Expert Witness On Materials Failure Part 1

In Understanding How Materials Fail: Stress v. Fatigue, forensic engineering expert witness Clyde C. Richard, Ph.D., P.E., writes on material failure: Today, in most product liability cases in the court system or with insurance companies, the alleged cause of the accident is either misuse or material failure. Accidents including people…


Equipment Expert Witness On Treadmills

In Treadmill Accidents: Allegations for Product Defects, equipment and machinery expert witness Clyde C. Richard, Ph.D., P.E., writes that treadmills continue to be one of the major causes of liability claims in the health club industry today and that accidents involving treadmills in homes are causing an increasing number of…


Construction Safety Expert Witness On Construction Quality Part 2

In Managing Construction Quality, construction safety expert witness Pete Fowler provides: SOME QUICK DEFINITIONS • Plans and Details: Graphic representation of construction. • Specifications: Specs are the written representation of construction, which usually includes a greater level of detail regarding construction performance, process, products, and quality. • Construction Contract: Agreement…


Construction Safety Expert Witness On Construction Quality Part 1

In Managing Construction Quality, construction safety expert witness Pete Fowler describes how “the good old days” are gone and construction professionals are now living in a new world: • Consumers expect increasing quality and decreasing prices in all products. • The building industry is not keeping pace with the quality…


Mortgages Expert Witness On Residential Loans Part 1

In Basic Characteristics And “Life” of Residential Mortgage Loans mortgages expert witness J. F. “Chip” Morrow writes: In today’s real estate mortgage market, it is essential that the expert understand, be fully aware of, and cognizant of the entities involved and their roles in initiating, processing, underwriting and funding all…


Mold Expert Witness Answers FAQ Part 2

Allan Snyder, mold expert witness and principal of AFC Forensic Consulting, answers Frequently Asked Questions: Q: What is Stachybotrys Chartarum? A: Stachybotrys Chartarum (also known as Stachybotrys atra) is a type of mold that has been associated with adverse health effects in humans. Stachybotrys is a greenish-black mold that can…

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