
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Automotive Experts On Electronic Stability Control

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Consumer Reports, the federal government, and many other auto industry experts say electronic stability control is the most important auto safety innovation since seat belts. “Our recommendation to consumers is that you want to buy a vehicle with electronic stability control,” said David Zuby,…


Security Expert Witness On Security Standards

In SECURITY: By Design And Decree security expert witness Robert A. Gardner, CPP, writes on security ordinances: To ensure that security and crime prevention considerations are included in new construction and remodeling projects, a growing number of city and county governments have adopted minimum security standards as part of their…


Auditing Expert Witness Re: Professional Pitfalls Part 2

In Pitfalls for Attorneys, Business Managers and CPAs auditing expert witness Chris McConnell writes on steps to consider to insulate your professional practice: * Identify potential fiduciary risk exposure areas in your practice * Review E&O insurance for coverage or exclusions related to investment fiduciary activities * Inform clients who…


Auditing Expert Witness Re: Professional Pitfalls

In Pitfalls for Attorneys, Business Managers and CPAs auditing expert witness Chris McConnell writes on pitfalls for attorneys, business managers and CPAs: * Providing investment advice to clients whether or not you receive compensation * Drawing the line between investment advice and legal, financial or tax advice * Serving as…


Mortgages Expert Witness On Loan Underwriting Part 4

In Basic Characteristics And “Life” of Residential Mortgage Loans mortgages expert witness J. F. “Chip” Morrow writes: Loan underwriting is performed by the mortgage banker’s underwriter who decides whether the loan will be consistent with governing loan program underwriting standards and, therefore, should or should not made by the mortgage…


Fire Expert Witness On Philly Fire Engine Company Cuts

The Philadelphia firefighter’s union lost a bid to prevent closing seven fire companies targeted as part of Mayor Nutter’s response to the current budget crisis. Common Pleas Judge Gary DiVito yesterday ruled that Nutter could unilaterally make the cuts and said the union’s fire expert witness had not shown that…


Hospitality Expert Witness On ADR Part 1

In Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Hospitality Industry hospitality expert witness Maurice Robinson writes: With the increasing popularity of ADR in all areas of business, it was inevitable that the hospitality industry would take note of its advantages. With the escalating costs associated with litigation, organizations involved in the hospitality…

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