
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Pulmonary Medicine Expert Witness On Difficult Airways Part 2

Pulmonary medicine expert witness Kathleen S. Adams, RCP, RRT-NPS, is an instructor and owner of Packmule Education & Consulting Services in Southern California. Also the president-elect of the California Society for Respiratory Care, here she writes on difficult airways. Difficulty or inability to perform adequate bag-mask ventilation can be predictable…


Medical Expert Witness On Clinical Standards Part 7

In Clinical Standards in Medicine medical expert witness Barry E. Gustin, MD, MPH, FAAEM, writes: Although this clinical policy standardizes the approach to evaluating chest pain, the researchers responsible for its development emphasized its limitations stating that the reality of medical practice is that the physician is often gathering data,…


Pulmonary Medicine Expert Witness On Difficult Airways

Pulmonary medicine expert witness Kathleen S. Adams, RCP, RRT-NPS, is an instructor and owner of Packmule Education & Consulting Services in Southern California. Also the president-elect of the California Society for Respiratory Care, here she writes on difficult airways. What constitutes a difficult airway? It is important to have an…


Medical Expert Witness On Clinical Standards Part 5

In Clinical Standards in Medicine medical expert witness Barry E. Gustin, MD, MPH, FAAEM, writes: One of the first clinical problems targeted for standards development was Chest Pain. As a prototypic example of clinical policy development, the Specialty Board responsible for the development and implementation of this standard created three…


Medical Expert Witness On Clinical Standards Part 4

In Clinical Standards in Medicine medical expert witness Barry E. Gustin, MD, MPH, FAAEM, writes: Potential limitations should be recognized and dealt with such as the possibility that a particular standard becomes obsolete because of new discoveries or advances; or situations where environmental factors such as disaster, overcrowding, or multiple…


Medical Expert Witness On Clinical Standards Part 3

In Clinical Standards in Medicine medical expert witness Barry E. Gustin, MD, MPH, FAAEM, writes: The existence of clinical standards would enable malpractice litigators to be more selective in their choice of cases. In situations where a clinical standard was followed but where there was an adverse patient outcome, litigators…


Corporate Governance Expert Witness On Five Biggest Banks

McClatchy Company, the third largest newspaper company in the US, reports that America’s five largest banks, which already have received $145 billion in taxpayer bailout dollars, still face potentially catastrophic losses from exotic investments if economic conditions substantially worsen, their latest financial reports show. Corporate governance expert witness and president…

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