
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Security Expert Witness On Avoiding Security Litigation Part 1

In Security Experts: Litigation and Beyond, security expert witness Robert A. Gardner, CPP, writes: Q. How can a security expert help me? I don’t handle security related litigation. A. It’s true that security experts are most often retained for litigation. Expert opinions on issues of crime foreseeability, security adequacy, and…


Document Examination Expert Witness On Questioned Writing Part 4

Document examination expert witness Ronald N. Morris is a certified forensic document examiner and in this excerpt from Submitting a Handwriting Case for Examination, he writes on working with copies: Another reason why photocopies are problematic is the ability of a person to create or fabricate a completely fictitious document…


Internet Expert Witness On Company E-mail Part 2

In Managing the Risky Business of Company E-mail Part1 internet expert witness Scott Greene writes that his company has documented, during the examination of electronic systems, employees who frequently say/save things into e-mails or store on a computer, things they would never say anywhere else. Either having an employee delete…


Real Estate Valuation Expert Witness On The State Of Commercial Real Estate

In Continental Valuations News, real estate valuation expert witness Robert D. Domini, MBA, MAI, writes: Not only is there a natural fallout from an auto recession, but this time around the domestic auto companies have run out of money, although Ford has survived so far without Government funds. GM and…


Internet Expert Witness On Company E-mail Part 1

In Managing the Risky Business of Company E-mail Part1 internet expert witness Scott Greene, CEO of Evidence Solutions, Inc., writes: As an employer, Human Resources Director, or Risk Management Supervisor, ask yourself this question: “Do our employees think about the legal risk of sending communications over the internet?” If you…


Document Examination Expert Witness On Questioned Writing Part 3

Document examination expert witness Ronald N. Morris is a certified forensic document examiner and in this excerpt from Submitting a Handwriting Case for Examination, he writes on working with copies: The best evidence for examination purposes is always the original document, but frequently only a photocopy is available. If it…


Document Examination Expert Witness On Questioned Writing Part 2

Document examination expert witness Ronald N. Morris is a certified forensic document examiner and in this excerpt from Submitting a Handwriting Case for Examination, he answers the question: What is known, sample, or specimen writing? Regardless of what it is called, this is the known and verifiable writing of an…

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