
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Internet Expert Witness On Company E-mail Part 6

In Managing the Risky Business of Company E-mail Part1 internet expert witness Scott Greene, CEO of Evidence Solutions, Inc., writes that his company has documented, during the examination of electronic systems, employees who frequently say/save things into e-mails or store on a computer, things they would never say anywhere else.…


Document Examination Expert Witness On Questioned Writing Part 7

Document examination expert witness Ronald N. Morris is a certified forensic document examiner and in this excerpt from Submitting a Handwriting Case for Examination, he writes some final thoughts. A very important point to remember, all of the submitted collected or nonrequest and known writing used in the examination and…


Toxicology Experts & Chinese Drywall Litigation

Toxicology expert witnesses will be testifying in the consolidated case against Chinese drywall manufacturers in New Orleans although South Florida attorneys argued that Miami would be a better location because a majority of Chinese drywall problems and lawsuits have occurred there. The problems first cropped up in southwest Florida’s Gulf…


Internet Expert Witness On Company E-mail Part 7

In Managing the Risky Business of Company E-mail Part1 internet expert witness Scott Greene, CEO of Evidence Solutions, Inc., writes that his company has documented, during the examination of electronic systems, employees who frequently say/save things into e-mails or store on a computer, things they would never say anywhere else.…


Document Examination Expert Witness On Questioned Writing Part 7

Document examination expert witness Ronald N. Morris is a certified forensic document examiner and in this excerpt from Submitting a Handwriting Case for Examination, he writes some final thoughts. Please take the time necessary to prepare your case for submission to the laboratory. Proper preparation is essential to ensure that…


Security Expert Witness On Avoiding Security Litigation Part 4

In Security Experts: Litigation and Beyond, security expert witness Robert A. Gardner, CPP, writes: Q. Is my security expert qualified? A. The security profession is a collection of specialties. While there are basic concepts common to all, each specialty requires its own unique blend of training and experience. Unfortunately many…


Fire Expert Witness On The Fire Report Part 3

In Fire Investigation Reports: The Key to Writing a Quality Report fire expert witness and Principal of Pyrocop, Inc., Robert Rowe “Who is your audience?” When writing a fire investigation report, the fire investigator should determine who the target audience will be (i.e. attorneys, insurance companies, public entities, etc.) and…


Hospitality Expert Witness On ADR Part 4

In Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Hospitality Industry hospitality expert witness Maurice Robinson writes on ADR neutrality and experience. Regardless of the provider, it is critical to the resolution of the disputes that the “neutrals”, those individuals empowered to resolve the disputes, possess both impartiality and industry experience. The clear…


Internet Expert Witness On Company E-mail Part 5

In Managing the Risky Business of Company E-mail Part1 internet expert witness Scott Greene, CEO of Evidence Solutions, Inc., writes that his company has documented, during the examination of electronic systems, employees who frequently say/save things into e-mails or store on a computer, things they would never say anywhere else.…

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