
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Insurance Expert On Spring Driving Conditions

According to a recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTHSA), vehicular fatalities account for nearly 95 percent of transportation related fatalities. Drivers often think that warmer weather means safer road conditions, but the effects of winter weather often make for difficult spring road conditions. As March 20th…


Medical Expert On Cheaper Medicines Part 2

In Cheaper Medicines Not Always Better, medical expert Peter Pitts, President, Center for Medicine in the Public Interest and former associate FDA commissioner writes: Yet some policies that are gaining popularity are weakening the doctor-patient relationship by putting treatment decisions in the hands of third parties. Chief among these schemes…


Wood Products Experts On Timber Tracking

Wood products experts at the International Wood Products Association write that DoubleHeli Tracking Technologies has developed a DNA-based timber tracking system. The company representatives are confident that their international team of genetic scientists can make DNA tracing easy and affordable for the industry to verify the origin of their timber…


Service Station Expert Witness On Access Degradation

In Identification of Potential Severance Damages In Retail Gasoline Properties, service station expert witness Robert E. Bainbridge writes: Retail gasoline businesses are especially sensitive to access degradation. In some cases impaired access can make the business unviable and the property unmarketable as a gasoline outlet. The potential for severance damages…


Materials Expert Witness On Toyota Sudden Acceleration

In Understanding Toyota Sudden Acceleration, materials engineering expert witness Joel S. Hirschhorn writes: When products fail due to a systemic design, materials or manufacturing flaw, large and statistically significant levels of problems emerge fairly rapidly. This is definitely not the case with the Toyota problem. With many millions of Toyota…


Franchising Expert Witness On Renovations Part 5

In Tough Question Requires Equally Tough Answers franchising expert witness Steven Belmonte, President and C.E.O., Hospitality Solutions LLC, asks the questions: “Are product upgrades and renovations really needed during hard economic times?” I believe most of the major franchise companies have, to a degree (and some more than others), backed…

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