
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News


Transportation Experts & Cross Border Trucking

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood met with Mexico’s top transportation official Monday in Mexico to discuss transportation issues and agreed to establish a working group of transportation experts to consider the next steps of the controversial and long-delayed cross-border trucking program. LaHood met with Secretary of Communications and Transportation…


Insurance Broker Expert Witness On Louisiana Case Part 2

In the Paige Report: Digest of Important Decisions from 2009, insurance broker expert witness David H. Paige writes: Life insurance agents’ client held to be insured CEO, and agent held not liable to investor in CEO’s company. Part 2 -Implications for Agent/Broker Liability: Policyholder’s should not assume that they have…


Medical Expert Witnesses On Tort Reform Part 1 of 3

Medical expert witnesses at Medical Opinions Associates write on tort reform: Let’s clarify the issue. Advocates of “tort reform” are really arguing for lower incidence of medical malpractice awards, smaller dollar awards, and lower medical malpractice insurance premiums for physicians. They also hope to reduce the level of “defensive medicine”,…


Insurance Broker Expert Witness On Louisiana Case Part 1

In the Paige Report: Digest of Important Decisions from 2009, insurance broker expert witness David H. Paige writes: Life insurance agents’ client held to be insured CEO, and agent held not liable to investor in CEO’s company. A frequent issue confronting many courts involves what legal duty an insurance agent…


Insurance Agent Expert Witness On Duty Of Insurance Broker Part 2

In the Paige Report, insurance agent expert witness David H. Paige writes on whether an insurance broker have a duty to give advice. California court finds that insurance broker ordinarily has no duty to suggest that insured purchase additional insurance coverage. Part 2: Implications for Agent/Broker Liability: The continuing issue…


Insurance Agency Expert Witness On Duty Of Insurance Broker Part 1

In the Paige Report, insurance agency expert witness David H. Paige writes on whether an insurance broker have a duty to give advice. California court finds that insurance broker ordinarily has no duty to suggest that insured purchase additional insurance coverage. A continuing issue that has reappeared for years is…


Insurance Expert On Spring Driving Conditions Part 2

According to a recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTHSA), vehicular fatalities account for nearly 95 percent of transportation related fatalities. Drivers often think that warmer weather means safer road conditions, but the effects of winter weather often make for difficult spring road conditions. As March 20th…

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