In THE BUSINESS SECURITY TEST, nightclub security expert witness Robert A. Gardner, CPP, writes that “no business is totally immune from the threat of crime but a little prior planning and a few common sense precautions are all that is necessary to deter most criminals.” Windows 1. Are accessible windows…
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News
Nightclub Security Expert Witness & The Business Security Test Part 3
In THE BUSINESS SECURITY TEST, nightclub security expert witness Robert A. Gardner, CPP, writes that “no business is totally immune from the threat of crime but a little prior planning and a few common sense precautions are all that is necessary to deter most criminals.” Doors 1. Have you secured…
Motion Picture Expert Witnesses & Copyright
Motion picture expert witnesses may opine on film, royalties, motion picture distribution, copyright for movies, and more. In Why We Care About Copyright, the Motion Picture Association of America writes: Copyright laws protect the rights of people who create movies, TV shows, artwork and other products by providing the creator…
Dance Club Security Expert Witness & The Business Security Test Part 2
In THE BUSINESS SECURITY TEST, dance club security expert witness Robert A. Gardner, CPP, writes that “no business is totally immune from the threat of crime but a little prior planning and a few common sense precautions are all that is necessary to deter most criminals.” Building Exterior 1. Are…
Nightclubs Expert Witnesses Part 2
Nightclubs expert witnesses may opine on bar security, lounge security, and night club security. Consumer’s Guide to Nightclub Safety describes what should people do to ensure their own safety: Do you know what the military does to ensure that teams achieve their aims? They establish rendezvous points. Pick a well…
Expert Witness Federal Rules
JDSupra writes: Litigation Advisory – Changes to Federal Rules Regarding Expert Witness Discovery: A major revision to Rule 26 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure governing expert witness discovery went into effect on December 1, 2010. As a result of these changes, Rule 26 no longer allows full discovery…
Engineering Expert Witnesses & Eminent Domain Case
The writes: It should have been a simple eminent domain case. The city of Lakeland, FL, pays two residents for property it needed for townhouses and condominiums. Instead, the case has dragged on for nearly five years, cost the city $168,000 in lawyer’s fees and led to major problems…
Insurance Expert On Health Insurance Premiums
Health insurance premiums next year are going up as much as 30 percent, even if the proposed federal pay freeze goes through. How do you pay for 2011 health costs on a 2010 salary? Health insurance expert Walton Francis says you can save $1,000 to $2,000 next year by picking…
Real Estate Expert Witness On The Almost Paperless Office Part 1
In How we created an almost paperless real estate expert office, real estate expert witness Merrie Turner Lightner writes: In truth, the “paperless office” was just another fantasy. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t cut down on our paper use, and there’s never been a better time to Green…
Copyrights Expert Witnesses & RIAA Case
Copyrights expert witnesses may opine on copyright infringement, copyright notice, and copyright limitations. The Recording Industry vs. the People blog reports that MP3Tunes moved for summary judgment dismissing an RIAA case. In Capitol Records v. MP3Tunes, the defendants have moved for summary judgment dismissing the case. The blog offers this…