Securities expert witness and Columbia Law School professor John Coffee commented this week on JP Morgan Chase & Co.’s $2B loss. The director of the Center on Corporate Governance at Columbia University Law School says the JPMorgan loss will incentivize the passage of banking regulations, i.e. limitations similar to the…
Articles Posted in Expert Witness News
Captive Insurance Expert & Certificate Program
Captive insurance expert Stewart A. Feldman is lecturing at the University of Delaware’s Captive Insurance Risk Management Certificate Program, April 18 – June 6, 2012. Feldman, CEO of Capstone Associated Services, Ltd., is an expert on insurance companies established with the objective of insuring risks emanating from their parent group(s).
Insurance Expert On FEMA Maps
Insurance expert Robert Desaulniers, who contracts with FEMA, says extra coverage will be required for Newburyport, MA, homes that are now mapped in a higher risk area. The previous maps are from 1985 and over the years, many of the flood insurance maps have become outdated due to urban growth,…
Arborist Expert Witness & Auburn University Incident
Lee County, AL, Circuit Court Judge Jacob A. Walker approved up to $10,000 in state funding for expert witness research and testimony in the bizarre case of a retired Texas state trooper who is charged with poisoning 150-year-old trees on the Auburn University campus. Both a chemist and an arborist…
SEAK Annual National Expert Witness Conference
SEAK Inc. is organizing the 21st edition of its Annual National Expert Witness Conference at the Sea Crest Beach Hotel in Falmouth, Massachusetts on August 23rd and 24th, 2012. The Conference aims to provide support and training to experts from all disciplines and with all levels of experience and promises…
Apple’s Motion To Block Expert Witness Deposition Denied
In Apple v. Motorola , Judge Richard A. Posner, US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, denied Apple’s motion to block the deposition of one of its expert witnesses. The patent case is scheduled for trial in June.
DNA Expert Witness Will Testify In Beason Family Deaths
Attorneys for Christopher Harris have hired DNA specialist Dr. Julie Heinig in a Logan County Court, IL, murder case. Harris is charged in the 2009 robbery, assault and murders at the Beason family home. Heinig is the Assistant Laboratory Director at the DNA Diagnostics Center and previously served as Senior…
Engineering Expert Witness On Proposed Treatment Facility
GenPsych’s engineering expert witness and architecture expert witness will testify before the Lebanon (NJ) Township planning board on a proposed addiction treatment facility. GenPsych provides outpatient psychiatric and substance abuse services. The planned conversion of an office building would be their first residential facility.
Patent Infringement Expert On AOL Patent Sale
Patent infringement expert James Bessen, a lecturer at Boston University School of Law, commented this week on the increase in patent litigation, specifically the $1.1B sale of AOL patents to Microsoft. Bessen studies the economics of innovation and patents. His book, Patent Failure: How Judges, Bureaucrats, and Lawyers Put Innovators…
Patents Expert Witnesses & AOL Sale Of Patents
Patents expert witnesses may opine on software patents, invention patents, and international patents, as well as related issues. In the news, AOL sold 800 patents to Microsoft for about $1.1 billion. The sale will be scrutinized by the Justice Department in regards to patent and anti-trust laws.