
Case Summary Involving a Slip, Trip & Fall Expert Witness



In the recent case of Impagliazzo v. Judlau Contracting, Inc., 2023 NY Slip Op 50952(U) (N.Y. App. Div. 2023), the testimony of a
Slip, Trip & Fall Expert Witness was crucial. This case involved a worker who tripped and fell on a rebar mat at a construction site, leading to significant injuries.

Background of the Case

The incident occurred at the World Trade Center Cortlandt Street Station construction project. The plaintiff, an experienced plumbing foreman, was conducting a site inspection when he tripped over a rebar mat latticed with protruding studs. The plaintiff argued that the construction site was not properly maintained and that adequate safety measures were not in place to prevent such accidents. Judlau Contracting, Inc. contended that the site was safe and that the plaintiff’s own negligence contributed to the incident.

Role of the Slip, Trip & Fall Expert Witness

The court appointed Russell Kendzior, a leading expert in slip, trip, and fall prevention, to provide expert testimony. Kendzior’s extensive background includes over 30 years of experience in the field and he has been involved in over 800 slip, trip, and fall cases. His role in this case included:

  • Reviewing Site Conditions: Kendzior conducted a thorough inspection of the accident site to assess its compliance with safety standards.
  • Evaluating Maintenance Practices: He analyzed the construction site’s maintenance and housekeeping practices to determine if they contributed to the hazardous conditions.
  • Providing Expert Testimony: Kendzior presented his findings in court, explaining the safety violations and how they led to the accident in a manner understandable to the jury.

Key Findings and Impact on the Case

Kendzior’s expert analysis led to several critical findings:

  • Inadequate Safety Measures: He identified that the rebar mat was not properly marked or secured, creating a significant tripping hazard that was not mitigated by appropriate safety measures.
  • Maintenance Deficiencies: Kendzior highlighted lapses in the site’s maintenance practices, which failed to address and rectify the hazardous conditions in a timely manner.
  • Non-Compliance with Standards: His evaluation showed that the conditions at the site did not comply with established safety standards and best practices for construction sites.

These findings were pivotal in persuading the court to rule in favor of the plaintiff. Kendzior’s testimony provided a clear, authoritative explanation of the deficiencies in the site’s safety measures and maintenance practices, which helped the judge and jury understand the extent of the negligence involved.


In Impagliazzo v. Judlau Contracting, Inc., the involvement of a Slip, Trip & Fall Expert Witness was essential in resolving the complex issues surrounding the construction site accident. Russell Kendzior’s detailed analysis and expert testimony clarified the causes of the trip and fall, leading to a favorable outcome for the plaintiff. This case underscores the importance of expert witnesses in legal proceedings involving premises safety and accident prevention.


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