Neurosurgery expert witnesses may opine on neurosurgeons, trauma neurosurgery, neurosurgery standard of care, and spinal surgery. In the news, The New Hampshire Department of Health and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health are investigating the use of contaminated surgical equipment which may have exposed patients to the fatal brain disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob. One patient has died and medical records on thirteen others are being researched. While most surgical equipment is sterilized by heat, the World Health Organization recommends the use of a chemical disinfectant for equipment that may have been exposed to the disease.

Drug abuse expert witnesses may testify on testify on DUI, intoxication, chemical dependence, illicit drugs, and marijuana, as well as related issues. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is investigating the deaths of three people and the hospitalization of 75 others who may have smoked synthetic marijuana. Synthetic cannabis is a psychoactive drug made from natural herbs and then sprayed with synthetic chemicals. the product is marketed as “herbal incense” and “herbal smoking blends.”

Gunshot wound expert witness Dr. Vincent Dimaio testified in the Phoenix, AZ, trial of former police officer Richard Chrisman. Chrisman is charged with second degree murder in the death of Daniel Rodriguez. Dimaio testified for the defense describing the position of Rodriguez during the shooting and the fact that Rodreguez was high on meth.

The criminalistics expert witness previously testified in the George Zimmerman trial.

Forensic accounting expert witness William R. Ackerman testified for AEG Live that Michael Jackson was approximately $500 million in debt when he died. In addition to the upkeep on his ranch, spending on art and travel, Jackson’s biggest expense was $30 million in annual debt payments.

William Ackerman, Freeman & MIls, has over twenty years of experience as an auditor and consultant. His consulting experience includes lost earnings, associated with wrongful terminations, wrongful death and personal injury claims

In Social Networking Research & Investigations, The Legal, Ethical & Evidentiary Issues, social media expert witness Richard B. Harer, V.P. Specialized Investigations, writes:

Examples of Investigative Use

Surveillance cases can benefit immensely by obtaining photos, habits, activities, and other pertinent information on the subject before initiating surveillance. Our firm was hired to conduct surveillance on a recent high profile personal injury case. We found through basic social media research that the subject was self-employed as a trainer at a local gym. His site provided his regular schedule and other upcoming outside training events that he was leading. Needless to say, the surveillance was extremely successful…thanks to the subject, and his social media activities.

Legal nurse consultant expert witnesses may testify on general nursing, surgical nursing, palliative care, and medical record review, as well as related issues. In “Nurse experts: Are YOU prepared for cross-examination?” by Juris Educational Resource Knowledge guest blogger Lori Combs RN, LNC, writes that “Extensive preparation is needed to ensure the expert is well versed with the case and is prepared for the dreaded cross-examination.”

No matter how well prepared you are to testify as an expert, the cross-examination by the opposing counsel can be intimidating. There are many tricks and techniques the opposing side will utilize to try to discredit you and “poke you full of holes”, but if you can prepare yourself to think how they are going to cross-examine you, you can remain one step ahead and hold your ground.


Fingerprints expert witness Donald James Faggart Jr. testified in the Davidson County, N.C., murder trial of Phillip Scott Baker. Faggart is special agent in charge with the N.C. State Bureau Crime Laboratory in Greensboro and testified that he found no identifiable fingerprints on the weapon alleged to have killed Chadric Lee Newsome in July 2010. Baker has also been charged with a number of drug-related offenses.

Sports medicine expert witnesses may provide reports on professional athletes, sports injuries, exercise physiology, traumatology, and related matters. In the news, the NFL will pay $765M to former players who accused the league of hiding the dangers of brain injury in playing pro football and profiting from the violence (U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, MDL No. 2323).

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Legal fees expert witnesses may advise regarding attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees analysis, and fee disputes, and more. In The determination of expert witness fees/attorney fees, and the same as taxable costs, Judge David Hoort, Ionia County, MI, writes:

Expert witnesses may be paid a fee in excess of the fee paid to an ordinary witness with the trial court’s permission and that the fee paid to the expert witness may be taxed as part of the taxable costs. MCL 600.2164(1). An expert is not, however, entitled to compensation-as a witness-for every service that the expert may have provided.

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