Plaintiff and Defendant were involved in a motor vehicle accident. Defendants expert was challenged and the court granted and denied the motion to exclude.
Forensic Engineering Expert Witness Testimony Allowed
Plaintiff sued defendant after being injured while operating a salt spreader. The defendant challenged the expert witness testimony of plaintiff’s engineering expert. The judge denied the motion.
Chemistry Expert Witness Testimony Allowed
Defendants challenge the expert witness testimony of chemist. The court disagreed, denying the motion.
2 of 3 Expert Witnesses Not Allowed by Court in Insurance Flood Case
Both parties challenged the expert witness testimonies of 100-year floodplain. 2 out of 3 opinions were excluded by the court
Exclusion of Neuropsychology Expert Testimony Affirmed by New Hampshire Supreme Court
Expert witness was challenged on the type of tests used to assess neuropsychological deficits after plaintiffs were exposed to lead paint.
Forensic Engineers’ Expert Testimony on Alleged Hair Dryer Failure Allowed.
Two forensic engineers were hired to offer their opinions on the alleged failure of a hair dryer. Both motions to exclude their testimony were denied.
Slip, Trip & Fall Expert Witness Testimony Affirmed By Ninth Circuit
Appeals court affirms opinion of the district court excluding the expert opinion hired by plaintiffs. Continue reading
Maritime Expert Witness Testimony Partially Allowed
Maritime expert witness testimony opining on causation of a dam allision was challenged by the United States of America. The court denied and allowed parts of the testimony
Court Denies Daubert Motion Challenging Psychologist Expert Witness
Defendants’ challenge the expert witness testimony of psychologist based on reliability and relevancy. The court denied the motion.
Sixth Circuit Affirms Gang Expert Witness Testimony
Defendants’ appealed RICO convictions on numerous grounds, one of which was a challenge to the district court’s decision to allow expert witness testimony of gang expert witnesses. The appeals court confirmed the opinion of the district court.