The plaintiff sued for antitrust issues regarding shopping mall leasing. Both parties hired economists to provide expert witness testimony. The motions to exclude were denied in part and granted in part
Marketing and Business Valuation Expert Witness Testimony Excluded
Plaintiff sued defendant for patent infringement of specific aspects of GPS systems. The plaintiff hired two expert witnesses, which were subsequently excluded.
Biochemistry Expert Witness Testimony Allowed
Plaintiff sued defendant for false and misleading statements about the effects of Prevagen. The plaintiff hired a biochemistry expert witness to help prove the case and the motion to exclude this expert wad denied. Continue reading
Court of Appeals Affirms Exclusion of Accident Reconstruction and Forensic Engineering Expert Witnesses
Plaintiff appeals a decision of the the district court excluding the expert opinions related to a vehicle crash and subsequent fire. The court affirmed the opinion of the district court.
Biomechanics and Orthopedic Surgery Experts Challenged
Plaintiff sued Defendants for injuries suffered during an arrest. Both parties called experts and both were subject to exclusion motions.
Gastroenterology Expert Witness Granted in Part and Denied in Part
Plaintiff filed suit against Government for negligence and medical malpractice. Government filed a motion to exclude the testimony of gastroenterology expert witness. The court denied the motion in part and granted the motion in part.
Patent and Trademark Expert Witnesses Granted in Part, Denied in Part
Plaintiff sued defendant for patent and trademark violations. Both hired expert witnesses and both challenged the testimony of each witness.
Medical Toxicologist Expert Witness Testimony Confirmed By Appeals Court
Appellant appealed a decision by the circuit court allowing the expert witness testimony of a medical toxicologist. The appeals court affirmed the lower court opinion
Florida Appeals Court Finds Lower Court Erred in Allowing Some Expert Testimony
Appeals court reviewed many aspects of expert witness testimony that was allowed by the lower court. The appeals court opined that the lower court erred when it allowed some experts to testify.
Two Accident Reconstruction Experts Allowed, Third Expert Allowed in Part.
Plaintiff and defendant were involved in a motor vehicle accident. Three accident reconstruction experts were hired to provide opinions.