Plaintiff sued defendants for injuries caused by a head-on automobile collision.  The defendants hired a neuroradiology expert witness and a neuropsychology expert witness to assist in their case.  The plaintiff filed motions to exclude these experts, which were denied by the court.

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Plaintiff sued defendant after giving birth to two children with physical deformities and cognitive disabilities.  She alleges that this occurred due to her taking Depakote while pregnant.  Plaintiff hired three experts to assist in her case.  The defendant filed motions to exclude these experts.  The court granted one of these motions and denied two.

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Plaintiff filed a negligence lawsuit against the Defendant.  Defendant hired a neurology expert witness and Plaintiff hired an store operations & retail expert witness.  Both parties filed motions to exclude.  The Plaintiff’s motion was denied with prejudice and the Defendant’s motion was granted in part and denied in part.

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Plaintiff’s decedent filed this civil case against the defendant after plaintiff was found dead in his cell.  The plaintiff hired a forensic psychiatrist expert witness to provide testimony.  The defendant filed a motion to exclude the testimony and report.  The court denied the motion.

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Plaintiffs sued defendant, stating that they should bear the costs of two accidents that occurred when a barge struck to bridges on the Mississippi River.  The defendants hired an admiralty & maritime expert witness to assist in their case.  The plaintiffs filed a motion to exclude, which the court granted and denied in part.

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The plaintiff sued defendant for alleged work-related negligence.  The trial court ruled in favor of the defendant, granting summary judgment after excluding the orthopedic surgery expert witness hired by the plaintiff.  The plaintiff appealed, and the appeals court affirmed the opinion of the trial court.

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