In The Case for Forensic Polygraph Testing in Post-Adjudication Sexual Offender Examination and Management, polygraph expert witness Ken Blackstone writes:

In 1973, in the Multnomah County Circuit of Oregon, Judge John C. Beatty, Jr. was the first to order the use of the polygraph in the management of convicted sexual offenders. Today, almost 40 years later, the number of registered sex offenders in the US and its territories exceeds half a million and they are all under some form of management. The post adjudication polygraph is used by the responsible State and Federal agencies in three common circumstances: in prisons during the incarceration of convicted sex offenders; in the community during subsequent probation and parole; and during the civil commitment of sexually dangerous persons.

The Problem

In Nightclub & Bar Security: Death of a Nightclub, nightclub security expert Chris McGoey, CPP, CSP, CAM, writes:

Nightclub problems arise when there is intentional over-crowding, over-serving of alcohol, failing to ban minors, admitting and serving obviously intoxicated persons, and known troublemakers. Other liabilities include failure to control loitering in the parking lot, failure to establish and enforce reasonable club rules, and an intentional policy not to call the police when warranted. Poor business decisions can make a club too intense and will place too much responsibility in the hands of club bouncers to control misconduct. This is a big mistake.

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Insurance claims expert witnesses may write reports and testify on property insurance, insurance regulations, casualty insurance, and long term care insurance. Visit the National Association of Insurance Commissioners website to research news and analysis on the insurance industry. NAIC is the U.S. standard-setting and regulatory support organization created and governed by the chief insurance regulators from the 50 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories.

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In Creating a Sales Presence in the Global Marketplace, marketing strategy expert witness Glen Balzer writes:


When a company begins to plan its move into a foreign market, it can draw resources from several quarters. Divide resources into two broad groups: data and network. First, use data to build the expansion plan. How large is the market and how fast is it growing? Does the marketplace use manufacturers’ representatives, a direct sales force, or a hybrid blend of reps and direct sales? How eagerly do customers accept new entrants, particularly foreign entrants? How does a company contact and interview potential reps?

In Guaranteed Maximum Contracts construction expert witness Paul Gogulski explains the the G-Max contract:

G-Max contracts best achieve the owner’s objective because a partnership is formed between owner and contractor wherein the owner agrees to reimburse the contractor for actual cost as it occurs, not from a schedule of values. This eliminates the distrust between parties. It also eliminates the contractor’s negligence to pay his suppliers and subcontractors because he gets audited monthly. In today’s market, this one issue alone will solve a lot of problems and insure both savings and a smoothly running project.

The owner plays an active role throughout the entire process. The whole issue of cost is manageable when the savings are shared, rather than negotiated from an adversarial position. When the administration is properly set-up and organized, the benefits are truly amazing. Because every purchase order and invoice received from the contractor is submitted to the owner as backup, and because the owner agrees to cut the time for processing and pay promptly, a positive and successful relationship is assured. Front end loading disappears, so does the haggling with price.

In The Advantages of Strategic Advisory Boards For Agency Owners insurance agencies expert witness Andres Barile, MBA, CPCU, writes:

Agency Growth

Employment agreements for agency producers – In your agency, you have approached a competing producer trying to persuade her to leave her present position and join your fast growing retail agency. There is one big hurdle: she has a strict “non-compete agreement” that has to be circumvented. You can turn to the expertise of your strategic advisory board and work with its members to come to a solution on hiring the producer, without the problems that a non-compete agreement can give you;

Marketing experts may consult on marketing effectiveness, marketing research, marketing strategy, and more. At Expert, Rosalie Hamilton provides methods for experts to find attorneys, companies and insurers that need their expert consultant services. writes:

Following Rosalie’s June newsletter article, “How Much to Say in the Initial Inquiry Call,” several experts sent me their own “initial call” procedures. Here is one so clear and comprehensive, I wanted to share it:

My retainer agreement not only lists the fees and scope of my work, but I also have a clause (in bold) that expressly forbids the attorney from disclosing me as an expert witness if the attorney has not retained me. This happened many times in my early career, and that is why I put it into my retainer agreement. The clause also states I will take action against the attorney if I am listed without being retained. This clause has stopped attorneys from listing me as expert without retaining me. In addition, I have proof that I sent them the retainer agreement, thus I know my clause has been read.

Risk management expert witnesses may testify and write reports on risk assessment, credit risk, and market risk. In Too Good to Fail? New Challenges for Risk Management in Financial Services, SAS, a leader in business analytics software and services, offers this on-demand seminar:

With regulators, boards and investors heavily scrutinizing risk management practices, effective risk management is more critical than ever. How has the risk landscape changed in the past year? What are financial services firms doing now to manage risk more effectively?

Join our panel of experts to review key insights from this year’s survey of senior risk professionals, conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit exclusively for SAS.

Disability insurance expert witnesses may opine on disability income insurance and disability insurance claims, among other topics. On their website, the Council for Disability Awareness answers the question: What are your chances of becoming disabled?

Higher than you probably think. You can ignore the problem, but it’s hard to ignore the facts:

* Just over 1 in 4 of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before they retire.

Night club security expert witness John Case, CPP, has over 30 years of private sector security experience. Here he writes on theft:

Employees and customers in nearly every type of business steal over a billion dollars a week from unknowing employers just like you! Honest employees often know theft is happening but hesitate to inform management of the problem. Most times, there are warning signs of theft are occurring through declining profits, unexplained inventory shortages, rumors and other discrepancies. But management usually doesn’t know how to deal with the problem until it is forced to face a crippling loss. There are proven ways to detect and prevent theft related losses within your business. You just have to know what to do!

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