Agent errors and omissions expert witnesses may write reports and opine on professional liability, mismanagement, E&O and associated matters. Stateside Underwriting Agency offers this explanation of miscellaneous professional liability:

Miscellaneous professional liability sometimes, called errors and omissions (E&O) liability, results from errors or omissions that are committed during the course in the performance of professional services. Companies that perform professional services for others can make mistakes, overlook a critical piece of information, misstate a fact, be misunderstood, forget to do something, lose something, and be sued by their clients..

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Media experts may consult on the media culture, media formats, media education, and related issues. On July 13, 2011, US Senate Bill 1354 — Healthy Media for Youth Act was introduced and deals with media literacy. The Center For Media Literacy writes:

Media literacy, therefore, is about helping students become competent, critical and literate in all media forms so that they control the interpretation of what they see or hear rather than letting the interpretation control them…. Len Masterman, the acclaimed author of Teaching the Media, calls it “critical autonomy” or the ability to think for oneself.

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In Avoiding the $475,000 Mistake – Entering the Credit Bid attorney John L. Hosack, Buchalter Nemer, and mortgages expert witness Joffrey Long write:

How to proceed with your trustee’s sale:

In the case we referenced above, the total balance of all amounts due on the note was $575,000 and the property value was $500,000. You would open the bidding at $100,000. Instructions would then be issued to the trustee that should there be other bids at the sale, the trustee is to increase your credit bid in increments of $2,000, until either 1) the bidding reaches an amount acceptable to you or 2) you acquire the property. With no other bidders, the property reverts to you in exchange for your “giving up” only $100,000 or your debt. The other $475,000 has not been paid. Through this one simple maneuver, you’ve preserved the ability to pursue the collection of the remaining $475,000 of your debt from insurers, guarantors, or other parties to the transaction.

In Defining Success in Risk Management Kathleen M. Beans, editor of the RMA Journal, and risk management expert writes:

Financial services leaders addressed two questions during an RMA chapter panel discussion this spring:

What do you mean by success at your enterprise and how does risk management contribute to that success?

Insurance class action expert witnesses may testify on insurance regulations, professional liability insurance, agent errors and omissions, the insurance industry, and correlated topics. In Insurance May Cover Class Action Costs for Merchants Who Recorded Customers’ Zip Codes, attorneys Robert L. Wallan and Kimberly L. Buffington write:

The California Supreme Court’s Pineda v. Williams-Sonoma has already spawned a wave of class action lawsuits, many of which may constitute covered losses under a business’s Directors and Officers (D&O) or Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance policies.

Read more: Perspectives on Insurance Recovery Newsletter (Summer 2011).

Professional liability insurance expert witnesses may write reports and opine on professional indemnity insurance, errors & omissions insurance, and malpractice insurance, among other topics. On the website Everything Small Business, find the article Small Business Liability Insurance – The 4 Types That You Need To Protect Your Business:

Other Types of Small Business Liability Insurance

Just as health insurance for small business is vital to the owner to protect the business entity, these types of insurances also work to protect the business against loss in the event of a third party claim. The type of business one owns will determine the type of insurance plans you will purchase.

Trucking expert witnesses may testify on hours of service, trucking accidents, and federal motor vehicle safety standards, as well as related issues. In Pillars of Driver Retention author Marc Mayfield writes:

You can tie down your loads but you can’t tie down your drivers. However, with a little forethought, you might be able to keep the good ones feeling secure.

In a loose adaptation from the book “In The Driver’s Seat: Interstate Trucking, a Journey,” trucker/author Marc Mayfield offers these tips for keeping your operators satisfied:

Real estate management liability insurance expert witnesses may testify on property insurance, insurance fraud, and affiliated matters. Stateside Underwriting Agency explains what property manager liability insurance entails:

property manager liability insurance liability insurance for property preservation wrongful eviction coverage tenant discrimination insurance….

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Hazard identification expert witnesses may write reports and opine on risk assessment, disaster risk management, as well as related issues. At its website, FEMA offers Hazus, a methodology for estimating potential losses from disasters.

Hazus is a nationally applicable standardized methodology that contains models for estimating potential losses from earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes.

Hazus uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to estimate physical, economic, and social impacts of disasters. It graphically illustrates the limits of identified high-risk locations due to earthquake, hurricane, and floods. Users can then visualize the spatial relationships between populations and other more permanently fixed geographic assets or resources for the specific hazard being modeled, a crucial function in the pre-disaster planning process.

Vulnerability assessment expert witnesses may testify on risk assessment in energy supply systems, IT systems, and communication systems. The SAINT Corporation explains that “new vulnerabilities are discovered at an astonishing rate….The number one threat to infrastructures today is known vulnerabilities.”

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