Media analysis expert witnesses may consult on media analysis of newspapers, TV, magazines, and books. In The Tablet Revolution: What It Means for News The Pew Charitable Trusts writes that:

Eighteen months after the introduction of the iPad, 11% of U.S. adults now own a tablet computer of some kind. About half (53%) get news on their tablet every day, and they read long articles as well as get headlines.

Drawing on knowledge gathered through frequent public opinion surveys and in-depth analysis of American media content, the Pew Research Center staff write and publish research on the major news events and trends.

Insurance coverage expert witnesses may opine on property insurance, insurance companies, and insurance policies as well as related matters. In Trial of the Coverage Case (Part 1), attorney R. Brent Cooper, Cooper & Scully, P.C., writes:

The trial of an insurance coverage case is one of the more challenging tasks that an insured or an insurer will face. By its nature, the topics involved in the trial are not the most interesting. In fact, some would say that coverage-and particularly a coverage trial-is one of the more boring exercises a person can undertake. In addition, while boring, coverage can also be extremely complicated.

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Compensation expert witness Dr. Sanjai Bhagat presented his paper Bank Executive Compensation And Capital Requirements Reform this month to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington DC.

Abstract, Part 2

We recommend the following compensation structure for senior bank executives: Executive incentive compensation should only consist of restricted stock and restricted stock options – restricted in the sense that the executive cannot sell the shares or exercise the options for two to four years after their last day in office.

Commercial liability policies expert witnesses may consult on insurance policies, third party insurance claims, and associated matters. In Will Your Commercial General Liability Policy Cover I. P. Litigation?, attorneys at Shimokaji & Associates, P.C, write:

Part 1 of this article addressed whether your Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy provided coverage for “advertising injury” resulting from patent infringement and trademark infringement. Part 2 explores the possibility of coverage for trade dress infringement, copyright infringement, and trade secret theft.

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At Daily , Barry Stone writes:

Q. I am a court-certified expert witness in construction defect lawsuits. Many of the cases I see involve home inspectors who fail to disclose defects. One inspector confided that an inspection report with “too many problems” might “kill” the sale, and then the agent would stop recommending him to buyers.

In The Insurer’s Duty to Defend: A Quick Analysis, attorney and indemnity expert witness Thomas H. Veitch describes some general rules applied by Texas courts and other jurisdictions following the “Eight Corners Analysis” regarding a duty to defend.

In making the determination of a duty to defend, the truth or falsity of the allegations in the pleadings are not a factor.

Likewise, what the parties know or believe to be the true facts is not a factor to be considered.

Insurance fraud expert witnesses may consult on the insurance industry, health insurance, disability insurance, and affiliated matters. On December 14, 2011, the Illinois Department of Insurance issued this press release:

The Illinois Department of Insurance Uncovers Company Selling Fraudulent Health Insurance – Department Offers Advice on How to Avoid Scam Insurance Plans

The Department also offers advice on dealing with offers of health insurance:

Media formats expert witnesses may consult on newspapers, TV, magazines, and books. The Communications Consortium Media Center reports that Vocus, a provider of on-demand software for public relations management, has released the State of the Media Report 2011. The report covers the four traditional media segments including newspapers, magazines, television and radio, and finds that the media industry has revived in the last 12 months and it continues to experiment with new digital and mobile distribution models.

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Entertainment expert witnesses may consult on movies television, and correlated matters. In an effort to strengthen copyright enforcement online, The U.S. House of Representatives has been debating H.R.3261, The Stop Online Piracy Act but the congressional vote has been delayed until 2012. The legislation seeks to curb overseas Internet sites that sell pirated copies of movies, television shows and other creative content.

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