In Experts – Be Wary of What You Post Online construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes:

Experts in almost any field sometimes need assistance in determining the best method and means to present a point or to support it in a report.

The Internet is a fabulous source of information, with blogs, Twitter, Facebook and specialty discussion boards for almost any subject or field of expertise you can imagine. However, if you want to keep something private, don’t post it on the Internet, as the world will have access to it. As an expert, virtually everything you write or post becomes a discoverable record available to anyone with the vigor and persistence to find it.

Auto insurance claims expert witnesses may testify on insurance carriers, insurance policies, and related matters. In 1990, insurance expert, Dr. Lena Chang and former New Jersey Insurance Commissioner James J. Sheeran founded New Jersey Citizens United Reciprocal Exchange (“NJ CURE”) which is now CURE Auto Insurance. Their website offers Safety Driving Tips:

Keep headlights on one hour before dusk and one hour after dawn to increase your vehicle’s visibility.

Regularly clean the interior of your windshield to eliminate glare while driving at night.

Homeowner’s insurance expert witnesses may write reports and opine on insurance coverage, insurance companies, and associated issues. Insurance expert Eustace L. Greaves Jr., licensed insurance agent and broker/owner of Greaves Financial Services & The Bridge Insurance Agency, recently shared advice on the top things homeowners can do to lower the cost of home insurance with

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Auto insurance claims expert witnesses may testify on insurance carriers, insurance policies, and related matters. In 1990, insurance expert, Dr. Lena Chang and former New Jersey Insurance Commissioner James J. Sheeran founded New Jersey Citizens United Reciprocal Exchange (“NJ CURE”) which is now CURE Auto Insurance. Their website offers Safety Driving Tips:

Tip # 1 Drinking and driving is the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 17 and 24.

Tip # 2 The cost of an average DUI is $3,000.