Insurance expert Ty Leverty was in the news reporting that customers pay up to 31% more for insurance when insurance companies have to comply with regulations in more than one state. The University of Iowa professor of finance has also studied how tort reform laws lower insurance premiums and save consumers money, dependent upon where the consumer lives.
Leverty’s paper, “The Cost of Duplicative Regulation: Evidence From Risk Retention Groups,” was published recently in the Journal of Risk and Insurance.
Securities Expert Witness & JP Morgan Chase Loss
Securities expert witness and Columbia Law School professor John Coffee commented this week on JP Morgan Chase & Co.’s $2B loss. The director of the Center on Corporate Governance at Columbia University Law School says the JPMorgan loss will incentivize the passage of banking regulations, i.e. limitations similar to the Volcker Rule.
Captive Insurance Expert & Certificate Program
Captive insurance expert Stewart A. Feldman is lecturing at the University of Delaware’s Captive Insurance Risk Management Certificate Program, April 18 – June 6, 2012. Feldman, CEO of Capstone Associated Services, Ltd., is an expert on insurance companies established with the objective of insuring risks emanating from their parent group(s).
Construction Site Expert Witness On Marketing Efforts Part 1
In Peaks and Valleys for Expert Witnesses construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes:
No matter which field of expertise you specialize in, as an expert witness you will experience peaks and valleys in the number of cases you are retained to opine on in a given year.
This may lead you to question your marketing efforts. And that is not, in and of itself, a bad idea. Your marketing plan should be reviewed every six months anyway. But your marketing program may not be the problem — it may be the economy. Yes, even expert witness practices are subject to the effects of a bad economy.
Paralegal Knowledge Institute Webinars On Legal Ethics
The Paralegal Knowledge Institute is presenting Practical Legal Ethics (Four Webinars)
Live Webinars Designed Specifically for Paralegals
Every year, more and more paralegals are facing critical ethical decisions and more and more responsibility for alleged negligence. In a litigious society, no one is immune. Knowing what is required and how to identify problems before they happen is vital.
Insurance Expert On FEMA Maps
Insurance expert Robert Desaulniers, who contracts with FEMA, says extra coverage will be required for Newburyport, MA, homes that are now mapped in a higher risk area. The previous maps are from 1985 and over the years, many of the flood insurance maps have become outdated due to urban growth, changes in river flows and coastlines, and even flood mitigation efforts.
Arborist Expert Witness & Auburn University Incident
Lee County, AL, Circuit Court Judge Jacob A. Walker approved up to $10,000 in state funding for expert witness research and testimony in the bizarre case of a retired Texas state trooper who is charged with poisoning 150-year-old trees on the Auburn University campus. Both a chemist and an arborist expert witness will be working on the defense of Harvey Updyke Jr., a University of Alabama fan who allegedly used the pesticide Tebuthiuron on the old-growth southern live oak trees.
Pathology Expert Witness On Blunt Force Trauma Part 1
In Pathology of Blunt Force Traumatic Injury, forensic pathology expert witness William A. Cox, MD (, writes:
In this article we will review the gross and microscopic appearance of Blunt Force Traumatic Injuries and the mechanisms which causes them. The Blunt Force Traumatic Injuries covered are abrasions, contusions, lacerations, fractures, compression and hemorrhage.
General Concepts The appearance of blunt force traumatic injuries is determined by the physical characteristics of a moving object, which has an impact on the victim or the nature of the surface, which the moving victim strikes. Whether an impact results in injury is
Computer Forensics Expert On Recovering Deleted Email Part 1
In Challenges in Recovering Deleted Email computer forensics expert witness Steve Burgess writes:
Both computer forensics experts and data recovery technicians seek to recover deleted data. Data recovery is primarily interested in bringing back files, while computer forensics tends to dig deeper, looking not just for deleted documents, but also for metadata (data about data – such as file attributes, descriptions, dates, and other information) and meaningful snippets of unrecoverable files. One area of particular interest is email.
When most documents are written to a computer’s hard disk, each newly created document has its own directory entry (what the user sees as a listing in a folder). If a file has been deleted, but has not been overwritten by another document, the recovery process is a relatively trivial part of e-discovery or of data recovery. But when the data of interest is from deleted email, the discovery process is likely to differ significantly from that of data recovery. Individual emails are stored differently than individual files. Different types of email programs store data differently on the user’s hard disk and require different schemes for finding useful information. As a result, the deletion of emails and recovering of deleted emails differs not only from that for other types of documents, but also between different types of email programs.
Crime Scene Analysis Expert Witness & Death Of College Basketball Star
A crime scene analysis expert witness will testify in the Hamilton County, TN, trial of Shanterrica Madden, accused of killing her college roommate Clantina Stewart last year. The defense says Madden acted in self-defense when she stabbed Stewart during an argument. Stewart was rushed to Middle Tennessee Medical Center where she died from her injuries.