Pain medications expert witness Dr. Walter Strauser testified in the case against Dr. Hsiu-Ying “Lisa” Tseng who is charged with the deaths of three patients. Strauser said Tseng did not properly examine or prescribe medications which resulted in the deaths of three young men. Tseng is facing 20 felony counts of prescribing drugs to people with no legitimate need for them.
HR Forensic Investigations Seminar
The Paralegal Knowledge Institute presents HR FORENSIC INVESTIGATIONS, June 11, 2012.
Forensic analysis is much more than just “find the deleted files.” Employers (particularly HR departments) may be surprised to hear the advantages that a forensic investigation and proper protocols can offer. It ranges from a variety of applications including employee policy violations, theft of intellectual property and company documents, violation of laws and regulations, intrusions and much much more.
We’ll cover these topics and share with you some real life case studies of how a proactive approach to investigations can prove invaluable.
Forensic Pathology Expert Witness On Pasadena Police Case
Forensic pathology expert witness Dr. Cyril Wecht reviewed and opined on the autopsy report of Kendrec McDade who was shot and killed by Pasadena police officers on March 24. Wecht says there are disparities between the LA County Coroner report and the police report. The McDade family has filed federal civil rights lawsuits against the city of Pasadena as well as individual Pasadena police.
Residential Real Estate Expert Witnesses On Proposed Project
Residential real estate expert witnesses for the the multifamily residential developer TMB Partners LLC testified at the Livingston, New Jersey, Planning Board meeting regarding a proposed apartment complex. Residents are concerned about noise and traffic that would come with the new 62 unit development.
Sexual Abuse Expert Witness OK’d To Testify
A Cassia County, ID, judge ruled that a sexual abuse expert witness may appear in defense of former teacher Alvin Andrew. Andrew is charged with felony counts of lewd conduct with a child under 16 and sexual abuse of a child under 16. The trial is expected to begin June 5th.
Forensic Psychology Expert Witness On Possible False Confession
Forensic psychiatry expert witness Dr. Clarence Watson reported that David Granskie Jr. may have given a false confession in the death of Carolyn Stone due to heroin addiction. The evidence will be weighed in July in Somerset County Superior Court, NJ.
Expert Witnesses In Slip & Fall Cases Part 2
In More effective use of experts in slip-and-fall cases –
The right expert will help you to better prepare the case and win it at trial, attorney David Reinard writes:
Why to retain an expert
Criminal Law Expert Witness On False Confessions
Criminal law expert witness Richard Leo testified last week regarding what he believes was the false confession of Angelica Swartout. The Oregon woman is accused of killing her newborn baby. Dr. Leo is a University of San Francisco law professor recognized for his research on police interrogation practices, the impact of Miranda, psychological coercion, false confessions, and wrongful convictions.
Cyber Liability Insurance Expert
In Businesses find greater need for cyber liability insurance, Mark Schwartz, CEO of Corporate Insurance Advisors, says many small businesses are not aware that their traditional general liability insurance policies do not cover cyber liability claims. Cyber liability insurance expert witnesses may opine on coverage for malicious code or viruses, loss of data, and correlated matters.
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Insurance Expert Witnesses & New Coverate Issues
Insurance expert witnesses may testify on commercial liability policies, risk management, and insurance class actions, as well as associated matters. In The Next New Thing: Coverage Issues from Fracking Claims, Brian S. Martin, partner in the Insurance Litigation and Coverage Practice of the law firm of Thompson Coe Cousins & Irons LLP, writes that the next litigation surge may be over the use of fracking in the oil and gas industry.
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