U.S. Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner in Chicago excluded damages expert witness testimony in Apple v. Motorola (1:11‐cv‐08540), ruling that neither Apple nor Motorola have been able to prove damages and will not be allowed to refile a claim. Regarding expert testimony, Judge Posner said:

The biggest challenge to the judge at a Daubert hearing, if as in this case the subject matter of the proposed expert testimony is within the judge’s comprehension, is to distinguish between disabling problems with the proposed testimony, which are a ground for excluding it, and weaknesses in the testimony,

which are properly resolved at the trial itself on the basis of evi‐

Emergency response times expert witness Robert C. Krause, M.S., EMT-P, testified in Copley v. Fairlawn Rothrock Road regarding response times from three fire stations to Copley Place, OH. Krause is an expert in Emergency Vehicle Driving Procedures & Standards and Fire Communications & Dispatch Procedure.

Building codes expert witness Francis Newhams testified in the case against Montgomery County, PA, builder R. Bruce Fazio. Fazio, builder of a 26 unit condo that was condemned in 2010, is charged with criminal endangerment due to poor construction of the residences. Newhams serves as Zoning & Building Official for West Nantmeal Township, PA, and said the condo was built without approved plans.

In More effective use of experts in slip-and-fall cases – The right expert will help you to better prepare the case and win it at trial, attorney David Reinard writes:

There is a second reason (besides trial) to retain an expert. A good expert can help you prepare the case. The expert can (and should):

Help you prepare for key defense depositions,

Environmental toxicology expert witnesses may write reports and testify regarding toxic chemicals exposure, including PCBs, benzene, lead, asbestos, and correlated matters. In Tucker County Circuit Court, WV, Paul Wamsley filled a wrongful death suit against G.A. Brown & Son, Inc., after his mother died from inhaling dust at a construction project. Wamsley says his mother inhaled materials including lead and asbestos which led to pneumonia and her death.

The Paralegal Knowledge Institute is presenting Medical Records: Unraveling Mysteries to Analysis and Interpretation Online, Live Course – 3 Sessions. This three-part series will allow you to become more effective when requesting and reviewing medical records.

Course instructor is Anne Pile – 21 years working in the field of nursing with a wide range of specialties, including intensive and cardiac critical care, interventional radiology, general radiology, peripheral central venous access, post-operative and post-procedure recovery, conscious sedation, ambulatory care, urgent care, and transport of critical care patients to other health care facilities via fixed-wing aircraft and ambulance.

More information: http://www.paralegalknowledge.com/Default.aspx?pageId=1297863

Night clubs expert witnesses may advise regarding bar security, lounge security, and night club security. In SECURITY: By Design And Decree security expert witness Robert A. Gardner, CPP, writes:

“Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design” is a concept which blends psychology, architectural design, landscape and open space planning, physical security systems, lighting design, visual surveillance opportunities, access control, crime history, and general crime prevention theory to create an inherently crime free environment. Projects built – or remodeled – under this concept have security and crime resistance measures incorporated into their basic design. This approach is substantially more effective from both a performance and cost standpoint than addressing security concerns after project completion. The Environmental Design approach to crime prevention is applicable in virtually any residential, commercial or special use setting.

Read more: http://www.crimewise.com/library/lr&a.html.

Forensic engineering expert witnesses may opine on reverse engineering, failed components, metal fatigue. and more. On his website, Dave McLellan answers the question: Why Hire a Chief Engineer as a Forensic Engineer And Expert Witness?

During interviews with lawyers, I have been asked if I am a Professional Engineer? The answer is, No. I am an automotive engineer. Being state certified as a Professional Engineer makes sense if you’re designing and building a bridge or a building where you design it, build it and then wait years hoping it doesn’t collapse. In fact, it is impossible to test bridges and buildings to failure, but we do exactly this with every vehicle program in the automobile business. The bridge builder just has to wait and see.

Read more: www.davemclellanlegal.com