In Avoiding the $475,000 Mistake – Entering the Credit Bid, John L. Hosack and mortgages expert witness Joffrey Long write:

Finally! The delays are over and your foreclosure is going to sale. The trustee asks for bidding instructions. The grand total owing on your loan (a first trust deed) is $575,000. The value of the property is $500,000. Would you open the bidding at $575,000? It could be a big mistake. Surprisingly, many otherwise sophisticated lenders and servicers, including large banks, are completely unaware of this problem.

Read more:

Should companies that hold patents essential to a standard be prohibited from requesting that infringing products be banned in the U.S. market? Congress is considering this issue and patents expert witness Mark Lemley says the International Trade Commission could cite the public interest as a reason for declining to ban products that infringe essential patents. Lemley is Director at the Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology.

The Paralegal Knowledge Institute is offering a free one hour webinar on Dispute Resolution and eDiscovery, July 31, 2012.

Today, lawyers, neutrals and clients are spending more money and time on electronic discovery. Increasingly, these parties confront electronic discovery outside the court systems with the growing use of alternative methods of dispute resolution – arbitration, mediation, special masters.

This webinar gives you a better grasp of electronic discovery and its application to mediation, arbitration, special master proceedings or other dispute resolution forums. It introduces attendees to best practices when mediating electronic discovery issues and presents various tools and strategies practitioners can employ when engaged in electronic discovery mediation.

Both plaintiffs Jill Clausen, et al, and defendant Dr. Ezea Ede have selected their medical experts in a Jefferson County District Court (TX) medical malpractice case. Ede is charged with the 2010 wrongful death of Judy Gregory. Plaintiffs allege that Ede did not properly diagnose Gregory’s cardiac condition which contributed to her death.

The William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul, MN, is offering their second Expert Witness Training Academy this summer. Instructors will include judges, lawyers, and Mitchell professors who will instruct experts on how to dial their brilliance down to a level the average person can understand.

“We want to help expert witnesses understand how to communicate their science better in a variety of forums” says Professor John Sonsteng, who along with his colleagues developed the academy with a grant from the National Science Foundation.

More information: 888-962-5529

Crime scene analysis expert witness John Wilson testified in defense of Dondray Fowler, accused of killing one man and wounding five people in Muskogee, AZ. Fowler has 30 years crime scene investigation experience and heads a state crime lab in Missouri. The expert testified that because of the location of cartridges, he believes Fowler was acting in self-defense.

Finance expert witness Dr. Marsha J. Courchane testified that the home appraisal company eAppraiseIT gave inflated valuations to mortgage lender Washington Mutual in 2006 – 2007. Dr. Courchane, VP and Practice Leader, Charles River Associates, heads the Financial Economics Practice in the US and UK. She testified for the prosecution in the fraud case against eAppraiseIT and its parent company First American Corp.

New York Supreme Court documents:

OSHA expert witness Michelle Copeland, President of Occupational Safety Resource Inc., writes this on Workplace Assessments:

Audits and program reviews are a critical and too often overlooked aspect of any effective management program, including safety management. They are tools that give you the feedback and information to accurately determine your actual needs, identify the gaps or weaknesses in your program, and achieve an increased measure of control and predictability in your safety and health process.

Read more: Michelle Copeland.

Psychology expert witness Dr. Michael Flaum testified for the defense in the South Lee County, IA, case against Adam Pitman, who is accused in the death of his mother. Dr. Flaum is associate professor of Psychiatry at the University of Iowa and directs the Iowa Consortium for Mental Health Services. He described Pitman as intoxicated and delusional from snorting bath salts at the time he allegedly strangled his mother.