Accident reconstruction expert witness Amrit Toor has sued attorney Thomas Harding claiming defamation after Harding compared the expert to Johnny Carson’s fictional magician character Carnac. Toor is a forensic engineer specializing in accident reconstruction at Intech Engineering Ltd. He is also suing the Canadian news agency Postmedia seeking damages over an article published in the Vancouver Sun.

Copyrights expert witnesses may testify on copyright infringement, copyright notice, and copyright limitations. In the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Electronic Arts sued Zynga this week for copyright infringement stating that Zynga copied the game The Sims Social in creating The Ville. EA is the second largest U.S. video-game maker. Packaged video game sales have decreased as users move to games like The Sims Social and The Ville which are played on social sites.

Pediatrics expert witness Dr. Blaine Tolby testified in the Washington state child mistreatment case against Jeffery and Rebecca Trebilcock. The Treblicocks were charged with criminal mistreatment of their four adopted children and found guilty of of first-degree criminal mistreatment of their teenage son and third-degree criminal mistreatment of his sister. Tolby testified that the oldest boy suffered from psychosocial dwarfism brought on by a traumatic home situation.

Real estate appraisal expert witness Ron Zitzow testified for Aurora County regarding the value of the South Dakota Thompson Farms dairy. Thompson Farms is seeking $2.6 million in damages saying that a county ordinance forced their business to close. Zitzow testified their were no damages as a result of the county ordinance.

Cell phones expert witness Jeff Strohm testified in the murder trial against Preston Strong. Strohm is a custodian of records for Sprint Nextel Communications and explained how cell phones search for the strongest signal which is usually dependent upon distance to the tower. Defense attorney Kristi Riggins argued that Strong may not have been in the vicinity of victim Dr. Satinder Gill’s Yuma home.

International patents expert witnesses may provide reports and testify regarding computer patents, design patents, and international patents and licensing. This week, in a patent infringement case, a German court ruled on Friday in favor of Microsoft. The court issued an injunction against Motorola to stop the sale of phones using Microsoft’s File Allocation Table technology. Included are Motorola phones the Razr, the Razr Maxx, and the Atrix.

In A Look Inside Hosted e-Discovery Pricing: Secrets your service provider may not want you to know, Megan Miller of Gallivan Gallivan & O’Melia writes for The Organization of Legal Professionals:

Lawyers and litigation support teams researching alternatives for e-discovery have a daunting task, complicated by the fact that information on which they will have to base an important purchase decision is often fuzzy at the time the e-discovery solution is being selected.

Read more at the Organization of Legal Professionals.

Psychology expert Dr. Jeffrey Gardere said accused shooter James Holmes may be emotionally exhausted and/or exhibiting malingering, intentionally feigning or exaggerating physical or psychological symptoms. Dr. Gardere is an adjunct clinical professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in NYC and is a regular guest on television news programs.