The Paralegal Knowledge Institute is presenting Introduction To Construction Defect Litigation/Forensic Investigation on December 5th and 12th.

Construction defect litigation is rapidly growing. This two session online, interactive course takes you through the complex and often confusing pre-trial construction defect dispute – from researching plans, maps and permits through inspections, experts and testing.

Learn new skills or take a refresher course. Taught by an expert with years of experience who knows and understands the realistic nuances of a paper intensive, detail oriented, niche arena.

In THE LAYMAN’S GLOSSARY: Terms Relating to the Forensic Examination of Handwriting, Signatures and Documents , handwriting expert witness Jacqueline A. Joseph, CDE, Board Certified Examiner of Handwriting & Documents, writes:

This glossary has been designed to meet the needs of those seeking to gain the meaning of common forensic terms and to understand the jargon used during the examination of questioned handwriting and signatures…

Because it would be impracticable to include all forensic terms in a work of this size and scope, this work includes many of the common terms relating to the examination of questioned handwriting and signature examination. It does not include terms relating to laboratory equipment, ink differentiation or other methods involving aspects beyond the examination of handwriting and signatures. However, it is my intention to publish expanded editions in the future….

In Your Competitive Advantage, leading authority on expert witness marketing and founder of Expert Communications Rosalie Hamilton writes:

After objectively assessing your own strengths and weaknesses, determine your competitive advantage. Is your education or professional experience superior? If you are not a novice, have you handled a greater number of cases, or bigger or more successful cases, or have you worked with prestigious law firms? Do you present yourself more professionally or appear more credible? Are there exclusive dimensions to your expertise? What comprises your personal uniqueness and, therefore, your competitive edge?

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In The deposition and cross-exam of defense experts, A narrative guide to asking the right questions at deposition and trial, trial attorney Arash Homampour discusses:

Expert deposition notice and trial subpoena Videotaping Researching the expert
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Patents expert witnesses may write reports on drug patents, patent prosecution, and patent infringement. In a recent post on, Professor Gary S. Becker, University of Chicago, Departments of Economics, Graduate School of Business, and Sociology, writes on Reforming the Patent System Toward a Minimalist System.

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Invention patents expert witnesses may write reports and testify on software patents, patent infringement, computer patents, and related matters. In the news, the smartphone industry alone spent as much as $20 billion on patent litigation and patent purchases in the past two years. notes that in 2011 Apple and Google spent more on patents than they did on research and development.

In Who Said Experts Shouldn’t Advertise?, leading authority on expert witness marketing and founder of Expert Communications Rosalie Hamilton writes:

In response to one of our recent emails to Expert News readers, we received an email saying, “I thought experts are not supposed to advertise, even through websites.”

I think you might find our dialogue of interest. I have edited the communication for length and confidentiality.

Pesticides expert witnesses may give opinions regarding pesticide contamination, pesticide products, and pesticide pollution. According to the International HCH and Pesticides Association, it is very difficult to estimate to assess the real extent of the obsolete pesticides problem, as only a limited number of field investigations have been made globally, but the best preliminary guess gives the estimate of over 300,000 tons world wide. IHPA promotes the management of pollution problems stemming from the production and use of HCH and other unwanted pesticides worldwide.

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Patents expert witnesses may write reports on drug patents, patent prosecution, and patent infringement. In a recent post on /, Judge Richard Posner of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit writes:

Do patent and copyright law restrict competition and creativity excessively?

I am concerned that both patent and copyright protection, though particularly the former, may be excessive.

To evaluate optimal patent protection for an invention, one has to consider both the cost of inventing and the cost of copying; the higher the ratio of the former to the latter, the greater the optimal patent protection for the inventor.