SEAK, Inc. is offering the program How to Excel at Your Expert Witness Deposition January 26-27, 2013. SEAK has trained well over 20,000 expert witnesses, physicians, lawyers and nurses nationwide, and is located on Cape Cod, MA.

How to Excel at Your Expert Witness Deposition is fast moving and content rich. The course is taught using five methodologies: lecture, interactive exercises, videos of experts testifying in real cases, mock deposition demonstrations, and questions and answers.

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In How to Prepare for, Take and Use a Deposition, litigator Daniel P. Dain writes “The deposition of an expert witness is the culmination of the opposing party’s defense or prosecution.” Mr. Dain is a founder and the managing partner of Brennan, Dain, Le Ray, Wiest, Torpy & Garner in Boston, MA. His book includes over 50 forms in print & on CD, including custom-crafted motions & case-specific deposition checklists. Topics include:

Goals and Strategies Legal Research of Issues Written Discovery of Expert Witness Opinions Sample: Interrogatory to Identify Expert Witness and Opinions General Outline of Expert Deposition Qualifications of Expert Under FRE 702 Impeachment of Expert’s Qualifications The Expert’s Understanding of Case Related Facts Basis for Each Opinion of the Expert Scientific, Technical or Specialized Kowledge Under FRE 702 Authoritative Treatises Expert Opinions Scope of Examination of Expert Witness Putting It All Together Into a Deposition Outline

Excerpted from How to Prepare for, Take and Use a Deposition.

Thoracic surgery expert witnesses may opine on pulmonology, chest medicine, respiratory medicine, and more. The American Association for Thoracic Surgery writes:

One of the most important and controversial figures in malpractice litigation is the physician expert witness. The number of malpractice suits and the size of awards for damages have grown substantially in recent years, greatly increasing demand for “expert witnesses.” The increasing number of expert witnesses has engendered the need for clear definition of their qualifications and guidelines for their behavior.

The American Association for Thoracic Surgery has adopted the following statement of qualifications for expert witnesses and guidelines for behavior of AATS members when acting as experts in the legal system. These qualifications and guidelines apply equally to AATS members rendering expert opinions prior to the initiation of litigation.

SEAK, Inc. is offering the program Advanced Trial Skills Workshop For Expert Witnesses January 24-25, 2013. SEAK has trained well over 20,000 expert witnesses, physicians, lawyers and nurses nationwide, and is located on Cape Cod, MA.

Executive Summary: This is the hands-on intensive training program for expert witnesses who want to raise their trial performance to the next level. Advanced Trial Skills Workshop for Expert Witnesses utilizes numerous interactive role playing exercises.

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In Deposing an Expert Witness, litigator Daniel P. Dain writes:

Goals and Strategies

The deposition of an expert witness is the culmination of the opposing party’s defense or prosecution theory of the case. Before taking an expert’s deposition, the parties should have completed fact discovery-interrogatories answered, documents obtained, lay witnesses deposed. Presumably, your opponent’s expert witness has been advising the opposing attorney about documents to be requested in the course of written discovery and about oral discovery questions that should be asked of the lay witnesses, so that the fact evidence necessary to the expert’s opinions has been established. The expert’s opinions are being offered by the opposing party as part of a plan to defeat your case. Deposing your opponent’s expert ­witness is your opportunity to understand, limit and hopefully stop defeat. The importance of being prepared to depose this expert ­witness cannot be overemphasized.

Chemistry expert witness Neal Langerman testified in a hearing regarding the death of a young chemist burned in a UCLA laboratory. Chemistry professor Patrick Harran may be tried for not properly training the 23 year old Sheharbano Sangji. Langerman described how the chemical she was working with becomes highly flammable when in contact with oxygen. Ms. Sanji , who was also not given the proper protective gear, died 18 days after the accident.

On his expert witness blog, computer expert witness Judd Robbins offers a link to Patent Infringement Damages – a US Overview.

Jason Witten of Witten Law, Ltd. provides an overview of how damages are calculated for patent infringement in the United states for

Computer expert witness Judd Robbins, author of Expert Witness Training, Profit From Your Experience, writes: You’re already a Professional. This book can enhance your reputation.

Two reviews from experts at Expert Communications:

“I just wanted to tell you that Judd Robbins’ book, Expert Witness Training – Profit From Your Experience, is the best book on the topic I have read in over 20 years. It is concise and to the point, yet it covers a great many topics while still being readable. I highly recommend it.”

Brooke Sissom of Shelbyville, TN, has been accused of using Manchester Health Care Center patient’s drug prescriptions for herself. While employed at the nursing home, Sissom allegedly ordered strong pain medication fraudulently by using patient names and prescriptions. Criminology expert witness Stuart Colwell testified that Sissom may have sold pills as well as using them herself. Police Corporal Colwell is a Manchester police investigator.

In Top 5 Specialties of an Orthopedic Surgery Expert Witness, Mednick Associates writes:

Searching for an orthopedic surgery expert witness can be challenging given the various specialties available. As a rule of thumb, orthopedic surgeons come in all shapes and sizes…. When reviewing a CV for a potential expert witness assignment, it is always helpful to discuss the particulars of the experts’ surgical history and how many surgeries and types they have performed.

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