FDA expert witnesses may consult on the FDA, food and drug regulations for humans and animals, nutritional standards of care, and more. In the news, Wrigley has decided to stop production of their new product Alert Energy Caffeine Gum after meetings with the FDA. One piece of the chewing gum contains 40 mg of caffeine, equal to 1/2 cup of coffee.

The FDA is investigating deaths which may be linked to energy drinks with caffeine. Caffeine gum may be detrimental to young people.

Cardiology expert witness Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter testified Tuesday that Dr. Conrad Murray was not qualified to treat Michael Jackson. Jackson’s family is suing concert promoters at AEG Live saying that AEG should be responsible for hiring Dr. Murray.

Dr. Wohlgelernter, Cardiology Consultants of Santa Monica, earned his medical degree from the Yale University School of Medicine and has been on the UCLA faculty since 1985. He testified that “Dr. Murray did not have the appropriate training, experience or knowledge to administer propofol.” In addition Dr. Murray did not have the proper equipment or ancillary personnel.

Sports injuries expert witnesses may consult on exercise physiology, sports injuries, sports medicine, and orthopedic rehabilitation, as well as related topics. www.standard.net/ reports that 46 year old soccer referee Ricardo Portillo has died after being punched in the head by a 17 year old goalie. The player was called for a foul and issued a yellow card warning. Portillo’s daughters had begged him to stop refereeing because of the growing risk of violence from angry players.

Oil and gas expert witnesses may opine regarding oil and gas pumps, fracking, petrochemical manufacturing, oil field explosions, and related matters. In the news, Mora County, N.M. has voted to ban oil and gas extraction using hydraulic fracking. Commissioners believe federal and state laws are not adequately protecting communities from hazards such as ground water contamination, risks to air quality, and migration of gases and hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the surface.

More news at http://www.usnews.com/.

Environmental toxicology expert witnesses may consult on chemical spills, forensic toxicology, toxic chemicals exposure, and related matters. In the news, two workers at the Idaho National Laboratory research facility have filed a complaint with OSHA against Battelle Energy Alliance after being exposed to plutonium contamination in 2011. Ralph Stanton and Brian Simmons accuse Batelle of creating an unsafe work environment and officials at INL have confirmed that at least two workers suffered internal exposure to plutonium and 14 others may have been exposed accidentally at the facility. Battelle is the world’s largest nonprofit research and development organization, with over 22,000 employees at more than 130 locations globally.

Read more: http://www.idahostatesman.com/

Over 1,000 plaintiffs are suing Merck & Co. in the Eastern District of Missouri over the birth control NuvaRing. The pharmaceutical company is charged with not warning women that the prescription medicine could cause blood clots and possible death. NuvaRing is different than other forms of birth control in that it dispenses hormones directly into the bloodstream which a plaintiffs’ pharmacology expert witness argues may cause “spikes” of hormones and lead to blood clots.

In Litigants Are Not Your Clients, expert witness marketing consultant Rosalie Hamilton offers the caution that rarely does good come from doing “legal work” for a non-legal client.

In the future, if/when you get a call from an individual, simply inform him/her that you do medical-legal consulting work only for attorneys, and they should ask their attorney to call you. If no attorney, pass. Too much risk for the pay.

Read more: http://expertcommunications.blogspot.com/

Materials expert witnesses may consult on material failure analysis, building materials, material testing, and industrial materials processing. SFgate.com reports this week that the new eastern span of the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge has bolts made from galvanized steel that is virtually identical to that banned for use on bridges due to cracking. Dr. Charles J. McMahon, Jr., Professor Emeritus, Materials Science and Engineering, says “this steel is almost guaranteed to give you cracking under these conditions.”

Caltrans is testing bolts on the bridge that are similar to ones that cracked when workers tightened them in March.

Patents expert witnesses may consult on design patents, international patents, licensing, and related issues. In Will Spanx Case Make Design Patents a Fashion Trend?, Legal Blog Watch writes:

The escalating patent battle between shapewear makers Spanx and Yummie Tummie over body-slimming camisoles has sparked discussion about what it and similar cases may mean for the future of design patents in the fashion industry.

Read more: http://legalblogwatch.typepad.com