In What’s Your H2O (Safety) IQ?, water safety expert witness Dr. David Smith, Commander, USCG (RET) writes:

The following 20 questions were the basis of a key address to the First International Boating and Water Safety Summit, April 18-25, 1997 in San Diego, California. The Summit was sponsored by the National Water Safety Council and The National Safe Boating Council. This article is taken from the proceedings of the Summit. The article has been repeatedly updated to reflect current aquatic accident statistics. Human physiology, by contrast, has not been known to change in the last 10,000 decades.

How well can you answer these twenty boating and water safety questions:

Child pornography expert witnesses may provide reports concerning child sexual assault, cyberpornography, and sexual exploitation, as well as related matters. Attorneys at Shouse Law Group write:
“California’s laws prohibiting child pornography or the “sexual exploitation of a child” (often viewed as a form of child abuse) are typically felonies under Penal Code 311.” Charges may be filed on the state or federal level and conviction brings “heavy fines, incarceration, and, perhaps the most devastating penalty of all, Penal Code 290 registration as a sex offender.”

In US Forensic Expert: UK Defendant Convicted with NSA Email Sweep (Part 2), internet security expert witness writes:

Nonetheless, 83 pages of email drafts covering about 29 weeks were produced as evidence. SOCA (Serious Organized Crime Agency) Senior Investigating Officer, Paul Ashton, told the jury in the drug conspiracy trial that a letter of request (LOR) for assistance was sent to the FBI, which in turn provided the Yahoo! data that the jury was reviewing. Although the email evidence was discussed in open court, multiple reports by BBC News never mention email.

Speaking from the California laboratory of Burgess Forensics, the analyst said, “With Snowden’s releases in the Washington Post and Guardian and the NSA’s subsequent acknowledgement of the formerly secret PRISM program, we now know a means for that Yahoo! data to have surfaced, and at this point PRISM is the only possible known route for it to have come to light.”

Neuropsychology expert witness Dr. Sue Ellen Antell, PH.D., ABPN, ABPP, FACPN, testified in the cases against School Board of Highlands County, FL, employees. The five lawsuits claim a “gross failure to act” by school board employees in connection with the sexual abuse of five female students in the after school care program. Dr. Antell, a board certified clinical and forensic neuropsychologist with specialty training in developmental neuropsychology, testified there is no “credible evidence” that one of the alleged victims was sexually abused.

Cruise ships expert witness Dr. Ross A. Klein, MSW, PhD, will testify before the U.S. Senate committee hearing Cruise Industry Oversight: Recent Incidents Show Need for Stronger Focus on Consumer Protection. The Memorial University of Newfoundland professor serves as an expert witness in lawsuits against the cruise industry which may involve sexual assaults, labor rights, and passenger deaths.

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Aviation maintenance expert witnesses may write reports and opine on aerospace engineering, flight safety, ground and aircraft operations, and more. After British investigators traced a fire to a transmitter in a Boeing 787 aircraft, the FAA is asking airlines to inspect emergency transmitters in all Boeing 787s.

FAA Statement

After reviewing the initial findings of the AAIB’s report and recommendations, the Federal Aviation Administration is working with Boeing to develop instructions to operators for inspection of the Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) on Boeing 787 aircraft.

Patents expert witnesses may consult on issues involving patent protection, patent prosecution, and patent infringement. In Everything you need to know about how Congress is debating patent reform, writes:

Introduced by Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Peter DeFazio (D-OR) in February, the “Saving High-Tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes” bill would create a “loser pays” system for lawsuits in which patent assertion entities that aren’t actively using their patents would be forced to pay a defendant’s legal bills if they lose their lawsuits. Losing defendants, however, wouldn’t have to pay. The bill also seeks to define what a “patent troll” is. According to the SHIELD Act, the patent holder would fit that description unless it is an inventor or original asignee, is actively using the patent, or is a university of “technology transfer organization.”

The Application Developers Alliance is an industry association dedicated to meeting the unique needs of developers as creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs.

Pornography expert witnesses may provide reports concerning child pornography, cyberpornography, internet pornography, and related matters. In Defending Against Online Child Pornography Chargesattorney Robin Shellow, President of The Shellow Group, writes:

The proliferation of adult websites has made anyone who has ever visited one susceptible to a charge of possession of child pornography. The content of adult web sites changes on an hourly basis. The website that had no pictures of children last month could have tens of thousands this month.

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In US Forensic Expert: UK Defendant Convicted with NSA Email Sweep, internet security expert witness writes:

The American spy agency, NSA, secretly surveilled a Yahoo! mail account belonging to co-defendants of UK prisoner, Russell Knaggs, in connection with an alleged complex drug conspiracy. The users of the account were employing a draft email in the Yahoo! account as a messaging board – deleting, editing, and rewriting drafts, but never actually sending an email. Said interceptions occurred continuously over several months, even while draft emails were in the process of being edited .

California forensic expert, Steve Burgess, analyzed evidence presented by the UK authorities and showed that captures of email drafts in the account were intercepted ongoingly, and that at times multiple copies of a draft only minutes apart were intercepted, even as the author was typing.

In Composing the Expert’s Report: Factors for Compliance with Federal Rule 26(a)(2)(B), forensic handwriting expert witness Jacqueline A. Joseph, B.A., CDE, D-BFDE, writes:

Introduction Rule 26 provides guidelines to the discovery process and flow of information between the expert and the client-attorney. In civil lawsuits, the United States district courts’ procedures are governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP). Any court may have its own additional requirements regarding report writing and these requirements would be available from the court clerk or your client.

While the rules vary from state to state, at least 35 states have adopted procedural codes based on the Federal Rules, sometimes with slight and time-critical variations. The FRCP applies only to matters being tried in Federal Court.