Pornography expert witnesses may provide reports concerning child pornography, cyberpornography, internet pornography, and related matters. In Defending Against Online Child Pornography Chargesattorney Robin Shellow, President of The Shellow Group, writes:

The proliferation of adult websites has made anyone who has ever visited one susceptible to a charge of possession of child pornography. The content of adult web sites changes on an hourly basis. The website that had no pictures of children last month could have tens of thousands this month.

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In US Forensic Expert: UK Defendant Convicted with NSA Email Sweep, internet security expert witness writes:

The American spy agency, NSA, secretly surveilled a Yahoo! mail account belonging to co-defendants of UK prisoner, Russell Knaggs, in connection with an alleged complex drug conspiracy. The users of the account were employing a draft email in the Yahoo! account as a messaging board – deleting, editing, and rewriting drafts, but never actually sending an email. Said interceptions occurred continuously over several months, even while draft emails were in the process of being edited .

California forensic expert, Steve Burgess, analyzed evidence presented by the UK authorities and showed that captures of email drafts in the account were intercepted ongoingly, and that at times multiple copies of a draft only minutes apart were intercepted, even as the author was typing.

In Composing the Expert’s Report: Factors for Compliance with Federal Rule 26(a)(2)(B), forensic handwriting expert witness Jacqueline A. Joseph, B.A., CDE, D-BFDE, writes:

Introduction Rule 26 provides guidelines to the discovery process and flow of information between the expert and the client-attorney. In civil lawsuits, the United States district courts’ procedures are governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP). Any court may have its own additional requirements regarding report writing and these requirements would be available from the court clerk or your client.

While the rules vary from state to state, at least 35 states have adopted procedural codes based on the Federal Rules, sometimes with slight and time-critical variations. The FRCP applies only to matters being tried in Federal Court.

Technology expert witnesses may provide reports and testify concerning computers, virtual technology, and communication technology. In Google, others call on NSA for more transparency writes:

Sixty-three tech companies, including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter, have come together to call on the US government to bring more transparency to surveillance. An official letter detailing the coalition’s requests will be released tomorrow. is a website devoted to news, analysis and opinion on technology, the Internet and media.

Computer security expert witnesses may consult regarding network security, computer crime, data security, and computer forensics. In the news, describes how computer hackers search out and sell flaws in software coding to government agencies and private companies around the world. this week reported on Italian hackers who sell technical vulnerabilities to countries seeking to break into the computer systems of foreign adversaries.

Motorcycles expert witnesses may may give opinions regarding issues involving motorcycle dirt bikes, street bikes, and motorcycle accident reconstruction. reports that motorcycle racer Bill Warner died Sunday while attempting to top 300 mph on a mile course at the “Maine Event.” Warner lost control on the former Loring Strategic Air Command base runway. He holds the record as the first conventional motorcyclist to top 300 mph in 2011.

Insects and pests expert witnesses may write reports and testify on pest control, ticks, and termites, as well as other types of parasites and pests. In the news, writes that Lyme disease is now the second most commonly reported infectious disease in New England. Lyme is a tick born disease with symptoms including fever, headache, fatigue, depression, and a distinctive circular skin rash.

In Seven Costly Mistakes Attorneys Make With Medical Negligence Cases, Dr. Burton Bentley of Elite Medical Experts LLC writes:

Although the rate of negligence claims against medical providers has begun to level off, the cost of litigating these actions has risen dramatically. Vast amounts of time and money are lost when attorneys – whether retained by plaintiff or defense – pursue a non-meritorious case or litigate a worthy case inefficiently. Beware of the following costly errors:


In Watermarking an Expert Witness CV, construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes:

A recent article on a prominent expert witness directory site recommended and encouraged their experts and consultants to watermark their curriculum vitae. Their reasoning, according to the article, was because, “As disconcerting as it may be, unscrupulous activity does exist in the legal industry….”

The next thing I knew I received a copy of an email addressed to Mr. X from his adversary copying me requesting a copy of my expert report, as the deadline for submission of expert reports had expired. I immediately informed Mr. X that because he had not returned my retainer agreement and payment, nor sent me any discovery, I was not to be considered his expert on the case. I enclosed a copy of my original letter stating I had closed the file, and copied his adversary on my email to Mr. X.

Neuropsychology expert witness Michael Daniel testified in Clark County Superior Court (WA) that although murder defendant Dennis Wolter may have sustained brain damage from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in addition to a traumatic brain injury at age 18, the brain damage did not impair Wolter’s ability to premeditate the 2011 murder of his ex-girlfriend, Kori Fredericksen. Jurors found Wolter guilty of the first-degree aggravated murder of Ms. Fredericksen.

Dr. Daniel is a clinical neuropsychologist and Professor and Director of the Neuropsychology Track at Oregon’s Pacific University. He is an in instructor in neuropsychological assessment, fundamentals of behavioral neuroscience, behavioral neurology, and neuropsychiatry