At Expert, expert witness marketing and training expert Rosalie Hamilton reviews The A to Z Guide to Expert Witnessing by Steven Babitsky, Esq., James J. Mangraviti, Jr., Esq., and Alex Babitsky, MBA. Ms. Hamilton recommends:
Resource lists – checklists for CVs and reports; directories of different resources such as legal journals, bar associations, etc.; and especially the model documents – fee schedules, expert reports, and consulting agreements.
Publishers description: The A-Z Guide to Expert Witnessing is the comprehensive work on expert witnessing. The topics covered include civil procedure, evidence, qualifications, CV writing, forming and expressing opinions, report writing, testifying skills, marketing, fee setting, billing, collections, ethics, privileges, discovery, avoiding abuse and much more. It features 24 concisely written chapters, 26 appendices, hundreds of examples with easy to read summary head notes, priceless practice pointers and a detailed index.