Expert Witness Profiler, LLC, the country’s leader in expert witness research, announced today the addition of the “Expert Challenge Predictor” feature to its Preliminary Screening Report product. With this new feature, the Preliminary Screening Report will now be able to predict instances of challenges to a particular expert’s testimony which the company’s legal researchers are likely to find.

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Patents expert witnesses may provide reports and testify regarding computer patents, design patents, and international patents and licensing. In Experts Streamlined in Microsoft-Motorola Case, Courthouse News Service writes that U.S. District Judge James Robart, W.D. Wash, “has approved and denied a raft of expert witnesses in a contentious battle between Microsoft and Motorola over the licensing of wireless technology.” In the Seattle complaint, Microsoft claims that “Motorola demanded exorbitant licensing fees in breach of industry wide agreements, while Motorola cried patent infringement against Microsoft over the disputed technology.”

Courthouse News Service is a nationwide news service for lawyers and the news media. Based in Pasadena, California, Courthouse News focuses on civil litigation, from the date of filing through the appellate level. Read more:

In Use Experts Early, J. Patrick McConnell, Odin Feldman Pittleman Law Firm, writes:

Many of the divorce cases we handle involve closely held businesses, complicated banking transactions, commingling of separate and marital funds and difficult financial issues. The rules in most courts require the disclosure of expert witnesses and what they are going to say at a fairly early stage in the litigation. Too often practitioners wait too late to designate expert witnesses and they are blocked by the Courts from using experts.

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In The Building Permits New York Requires, building codes expert witness Christopher E. Chwedyk, AIA, CSI, writes:

According to New York City building codes, unless you’re only making a minor alteration or repair to your property, you’ll need to obtain a building permit before you commence work. The type of building permits New York requires for your project depends on the nature of the project itself and what type of construction will be happening.

There are four main types of building permits New York property owners may have to seek:

At Expert, expert witness marketing and training expert Rosalie Hamilton reviews The A to Z Guide to Expert Witnessing by Steven Babitsky, Esq., James J. Mangraviti, Jr., Esq., and Alex Babitsky, MBA. Ms. Hamilton recommends:

Resource lists – checklists for CVs and reports; directories of different resources such as legal journals, bar associations, etc.; and especially the model documents – fee schedules, expert reports, and consulting agreements.

Publishers description: The A-Z Guide to Expert Witnessing is the comprehensive work on expert witnessing. The topics covered include civil procedure, evidence, qualifications, CV writing, forming and expressing opinions, report writing, testifying skills, marketing, fee setting, billing, collections, ethics, privileges, discovery, avoiding abuse and much more. It features 24 concisely written chapters, 26 appendices, hundreds of examples with easy to read summary head notes, priceless practice pointers and a detailed index.

In What’s Your H2O (Safety) IQ?, water safety expert witness Dr. David Smith, Commander, USCG (RET) writes:

The following 20 questions were the basis of a key address to the First International Boating and Water Safety Summit, April 18-25, 1997 in San Diego, California. The Summit was sponsored by the National Water Safety Council and The National Safe Boating Council. This article is taken from the proceedings of the Summit. The article has been repeatedly updated to reflect current aquatic accident statistics. Human physiology, by contrast, has not been known to change in the last 10,000 decades.

How well can you answer these twenty boating and water safety questions:

11. [a] How fast does an immersed body lose heat to water?

Workers compensation expert witnesses may provide reports regarding injured workers, compensation claims, and employee claims. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, Portland, OR, ruled Friday against worker’s compensation benefits for longshoreman Gary Schwirse. Evidence showed he had 9 beers and half-pint of whiskey before he fell over a railing and landed on concrete.

Case No. 11-73172; BRB No. 11-0119.

Lead poisoning expert witness Joseph Courtney testified in The People of California v. Atlantic Richfield Company et al regarding lead-based paint as a source of lead poisoning. Courtney is a research scientist for the California Department of Public Health’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch. Ten cities and counties want lead based paint manufacturers to pay for eradicating lead paint from homes.

The Department of Public Health’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch states that children at risk for lead poisoning are young children under six years of age who spend time in homes, childcare centers, or buildings built before 1978 that have chipping or peeling paint. Because their brains and nervous systems are still forming, they are at greatest risk of harmful health effects from lead poisoning.

Food safety expert witnesses may testify on nutritional supplements, food packaging, food sanitation, nutrition, food processing, and more. On Saturday, the FDA released this information on the multistate outbreak of Cyclosporiasis:

The FDA traceback investigation has confirmed that the salad mix identified by Iowa and Nebraska as being linked to the outbreak of cyclosporiasis in those states was supplied to restaurants in those states by Taylor Farms de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V., a processor of foodservice salads. The FDA traceback investigation found that illness clusters at restaurants were traced to a common supplier, Taylor Farms de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. The restaurants in Iowa and Nebraska include Olive Garden and Red Lobster, both of which are owned by Darden Restaurants.

FDA’s investigation has not implicated consumer packages sold in grocery stores.

Employment expert witnesses may consult on compensation, human resources, wrongful termination, labor economics, labor law, and benefits, as well as related topics. Over the weekend, negotiations between Bay Area Rapid Transit management and the agency’s two largest unions over pay, medical benefits and pensions resumed Sunday morning. Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1555 gave notice to strike Monday if no progress is made before then. BART trains carry approximately 400,000 passengers daily.