Mapping & Surveying Expert Witness Case Summary



In the case of Lamb v. Alan B. Styles & Alan B. Styles Land Surveying, PLLC, 263 N.C. App. 633 (2023), the expertise of a
Mapping & Surveying Expert Witness was critical.
This case involved a boundary dispute between neighboring property owners, where the precise location of the boundary line was contested.

Background of the Case

The dispute arose when the plaintiffs, the Lambs, discovered that a new survey conducted by Alan B. Styles & Alan B. Styles Land Surveying, PLLC,
showed a boundary line that differed significantly from what they believed to be the correct property line based on previous surveys and long-established markers.
The Lambs argued that the new survey encroached on their property and claimed that the surveyor’s methods were flawed.

Role of the Mapping & Surveying Expert Witness

The court brought in Dr. Tony Nettleman, a renowned land surveyor and expert in boundary disputes, to serve as the expert witness. Dr. Nettleman’s role included the following tasks:

  • Reviewing Previous Surveys: Dr. Nettleman analyzed the historical surveys and deeds related to the properties to understand the basis for the established boundary lines.
  • Conducting a New Survey: He performed an independent survey of the properties, employing modern techniques and technology to determine the precise boundary.
  • Evaluating Survey Methods: Dr. Nettleman assessed the methodologies used by Alan B. Styles & Alan B. Styles Land Surveying, PLLC, to identify any errors or inconsistencies.
  • Providing Expert Testimony: He presented his findings in court, offering a clear explanation of the discrepancies and the correct boundary location based on his survey.

Key Findings and Impact on the Case

Dr. Nettleman’s expert analysis revealed several critical findings:

  • Discrepancies in Survey Methods: He identified significant deviations in the methods used by the defendants, including incorrect placement of boundary markers and reliance on outdated or incorrect data.
  • Correct Boundary Determination: His independent survey aligned with the plaintiffs’ claims, showing that the boundary encroached upon by the new survey was indeed part of the Lambs’ property.
  • Adherence to Professional Standards: Dr. Nettleman demonstrated that his survey adhered to the professional standards and guidelines established by the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) and the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors.

These findings were crucial in persuading the court to rule in favor of the plaintiffs. Dr. Nettleman’s testimony provided a clear, authoritative explanation of the boundary dispute,
helping the judge and jury understand the technical aspects of the case.


In Lamb v. Alan B. Styles & Alan B. Styles Land Surveying, PLLC, the involvement of a Mapping & Surveying Expert Witness was instrumental in resolving a complex boundary dispute.
Dr. Tony Nettleman’s detailed analysis and expert testimony clarified the inaccuracies in the defendant’s survey and established the correct property boundaries, leading to a favorable outcome for the plaintiffs.
This case underscores the importance of expert witnesses in legal disputes involving land surveying and property boundaries.

For more information about the role and value of a Mapping & Surveying Expert Witness, visit our
Mapping & Surveying Expert Witness page.