Plaintiff was charged with 7 counts of sexual conduct with a minor. He appealed the conviction on numerous grounds, one being the admittance of child sexual abuse expert testimony. The court confirmed the opinion of the trial court.
Articles Posted in Uncategorized
Testimony of Expert Witness Upheld in Child Sexual Abuse Case
Defendant was convicted of first degree sexual abuse and subsequently appealed his conviction on two grounds, one on the court’s exclusion of his expert witness. The court confirmed the lower court opinion.
Expert Testimony of Economics Expert in Bauxite Antitrust Case Allowed
Plaintiff’s hired economics expert to opine on damages. Defendants filed a motion to exclude on reliability factors. The court denied the motion.
Accident Investigation Expert Witnesses & Distracted Drivers
Accident investigation expert witnesses may provide reports concerning crash investigations, distracted drivers, and skid mark analysis. Statistics in the US suggest that distraction contributes to 16% of all fatal crashes. AAA tells us that drivers spend more than half their time focused on things other than driving, e.g. eating, attending to children, and music devices, etc. At Malman, personal injury lawyers write on how to prove texting and driving, including:
Even if a cautious cell phone user deletes their text messages, law enforcement officials can contact the user’s mobile service provider and view the timestamps for any text messages sent or received. Many auto accident lawyers have been able to use cell phone records to prove that a driver was using their phone during an accident.
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Transporation Expert Witnesses &
Transportation safety expert witnesses may provide reports regarding transportation brokering, bus & truck safety, highways, transportation engineering, and transportation infrastructure. On its website, the American Transportation Associations describes how technology is changing the trucking business:
The analysis and utilization of data is changing the driver, vehicle and operational landscape for those fleets that have discovered how to harness it. Transportation leaders are saving time and are able to streamline their operations using integrated technologies that are leading to safer, productive and more efficient operations. Fleet executives and managers need faster, more convenient access to reliable information to find efficiencies in order to survive or gain a competitive advantage.
Information on the ATA Executive Summit may be found at here.
Trucking Expert Witnesses & Federal Compliance Safety Accountability
Trucking expert witnesses may opine on motor carrier fleet management, interstate motor carrier operations, federal motor carrier safety regulations, and related topics. Recently, the Board of Directors of American Trucking Associations called on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to make changes to its safety-monitoring system Compliance Safety Accountability.
“From the outset, ATA has supported FMCSA’s efforts to improve its enforcement capabilities through CSA,” ATA President and CEO Bill Graves said. “Through CSA’s development and implementation the agency had been responsive to suggestions and made an effort to improve the program as needed. However, recently our members have become concerned that the agency has become increasingly unresponsive, even in the face of data and logic.”
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Forensic Pathology Expert Witness
Forensic pathology expert witness Larry Blum testified at a Jefferson City, MO, hearing for Ryan Ferguson who was convicted in the 2001 death of Kent Heitholt. Blum is disputing the cause of injuries that was described in the trial and whether Heitholt was killed during a robbery.
Comprehensive Expert Witness Background Profiles are Now Available
EXPERT WITNESS PROFILER, LLC (“EWP”), the expert witness research company, announced the official launch of its service to provide comprehensive background profiles on experts and consultants. The Expert Witness Profile report allows attorneys, paralegals, law librarians, legal investigators, insurance carriers, and other legal professionals to properly vet an expert they may retain, or to develop cross examination or exclusionary material for the opponent’s expert.
The Profile report details the expert’s litigation history, disciplinary history, prior expert witness testimony, expert challenges, licensing history, professional and educational background, and much more. The Profile includes information on how to access available depositions, motions, briefs, articles, and other documents referencing that expert. Each report involves a minimum of 20 hours of research by attorneys and professional legal researchers who leverage databases that are not readily available to the public. The primary goal of the Expert Witness Profile is to save legal professionals time and money, and to deliver a deeper, broader and timelier result than if the legal professional attempted to acquire information about an expert on their own.
EWP was founded by Jim Robinson, Esq., and expert witness/legal research executive Myles Levin. Mr. Robinson and Mr. Levin are two of the co-authors of Finding and Researching Experts and Their Testimony, the definitive white paper on researching experts as well as co-authors of the first chapter of the American Bar Association’s recent publication, Litigators on Experts: Strategies for Managing Expert Witnesses from Retention through Trial. Combined, they have over 40 years experience in researching expert witnesses through the companies they founded, JurisPro Expert Witness Directory and the Daubert Tracker, respectively. EWP’s research team is comprised of over 25 legal professionals specially trained to use advanced research tools and techniques to locate difficult to find information about expert witnesses.
Mortgage Fraud Expert Witnesses & $3.4M Ponzi Scam
Mortgage fraud expert witnesses may opine on residential mortgages, mortgage fraud, and wholesale mortgages, among other topics. The Denver Post writes that in today’s mortgage and loan industry, multiple assignments of the same loan are common and frequently not recorded. Because an assignment of a promissory note and deed of trust is not required to be recorded, a borrower has no way of knowing who holds them.
In Colorado, Citywide Banks tried to foreclose on a number of home buyers after entities affiliated with Lafayette-based Jaguar Group LLC failed to forward funds to the bank, which held the promissory notes on the properties. Similar cases are occurring throughout the state and country, said attorney Alan Sweetbaum. The cases that have garnered attention in Colorado all tie back to Jaguar. A state grand jury in March indicted five Jaguar officials, accusing them of defrauding lenders in a $3.4 million Ponzi scheme.
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The Nursing Expert Witness Part 2
In The Expert Nurse Witness, Ellen K. Murphy writes:
A nurse who is asked to consult or testify must approach the agreement with the retaining attorney as he or she would any other contract. The nurse expert has absolutely no duty to consult and cannot be subpoenaed to testify unless he or she consents to do so. This is a main point that should be negotiated up front. After the nurse agrees to provide a service, the nurse is legally bound by contract to do so; thus, there must be a clear expectation of services, timelines, and remuneration for time and expenses.
* Does the service consist of reviewing medical records and providing an opinion to the retaining attorney?