Bus and truck accident expert witnesses may consult regarding transportation accidents, bus accidents, truck safety, and bus safety. This weekend, investigators said that the FedEx truck that slammed into a tour bus full of students in Orland, CA, could have been on fire right before the deadly crash. The truck crossed a median into oncoming traffic which resulted in the death of 10 people. Highway Safety Investigator Robert Accetta will serve as the The National Transportation Safety Board investigator-in-charge. The NTSB website includes Safety Studies.
NTSB Safety Studies are examinations on topics such as the effectiveness of, or need for, actions by a Government agency in reducing transportation losses, the technical aspects of a transportation system, analysis of accident data, or the history and progress of transportation safety improvements. The study results in the issuance of a narrative report on the facts, conclusions and any applicable recommendations.
One of these reports is Crashes Involving Single-Unit Trucks that Resulted in Injuries and Deaths. Safety Study NTSB/SS-13/01. Washington, DC.